Submit work with Assignments

Lecturers can create assignments in Brightspace with the Assignments tool. Students can use this to submit both text files and video files. Lecturers can then use Assignments to assess the submitted work and provide feedback for it. When the assessment consists of (partial) grades, you can make those visible in Grades.

The functions of Assignments

  • Assess the work of students with the help of annotations and rubrics. 
  • Add conditions for submitting work.
  • Have students submit videos as an assignment.
  • Check students’ work for plagiarism. 
  • Have one student submit a group product and then assess the entire group at once. 
  • Use ‘release conditions’ to set up roles (if …, then …).


There are manuals available that can help you with setting up Assignments.


Your faculty’s Teaching Information Point can help you design your Assignments.