Course coordinator
You are the coordinator of the course in question.
Relevant roles:
- Course coordinator in OSIRIS.
- Teacher in Brightspace.
Contact your department secretary. This ensures that you, as a teacher, are added to all parts relevant to this course in OSIRIS, Brightspace, the schedule, course files, etc.
You are a lecturer within the course in question. You must be listed as such in the prospectus, you are responsible for entering student results in OSIRIS and/or you must have access to the course files of this course.
Relevant roles:
- Teacher in OSIRIS.
- Teacher in Brightspace.
Contact your department secretary. This ensures that you, as a teacher, are added to all parts relevant to this course in OSIRIS, Brightspace, the schedule, course files, etc.
Guest lecturer
You are a guest lecturer within the course in question. You do not need to be listed in the prospectus as a teacher, you do not have the responsibility to enter student results into OSIRIS and you do not need access to the course files of this course.
Relevant roles:
- No role in OSIRIS.
- Grader/Builder in Brightspace.
Contact the coordinator or teacher(s) of the course in question and ask if you can be added to the relevant course environment in Brightspace with the Grader/Builder role.
You are a colleague who does not perform any work within the course in question, but only wants to be able to view the course. For example, to get inspiration or to be able to give advice.
Relevant roles:
- No role in OSIRIS.
- Observer in Brightspace.
Contact the coordinator or teacher(s) of the course in question and ask if you can be added to the relevant course environment in Brightspace with the Observer role.
Student assistant
You are a student assistant who supports the set-up of the course and/or performs grading work within the course.
Relevant roles:
- No role in OSIRIS.
- Builder and/or Grader in Brightspace.
Contact the coordinator or teacher(s) of the course in question and ask if you can be added to the relevant course environment in Brightspace with the Builder and/or Grader role.
NB To get this role, you must have an e-number.
Member of the visitation committee
You are part of a review committee and need access to a large number of courses within a programme.
Relevant roles:
- No role in OSIRIS.
- Auditor in Brightspace.
Please contact the Teaching Information Point of the Faculty of Arts.
Access to old courses
Do you want access to a course from before the current academic year? Please contact the Teaching Information Point of the Faculty of Arts for the possibilities.