Comenius projects

Be inspired for your own research by some Comenius projects at Radboud University.

Jeannette Mostert

Commercial health checks: curse or blessing?

The curriculum for students of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences does not yet address commercial health checks. However, it is important that students learn about it. How can an elective module change this?

climate protest with someone holding a sign reading 'there is no planet B'

You Have a Part to Play

In collaboration with ArtEZ University of the Arts, this project aims to design and create a new, university-wide approach to Higher Education for Sustainable Development (HESD).

Je ziet een anatomisch voorbeeldmodel van een mens, waarbij de helft van het schedel en de onderliggende spieren zichtbaar zijn.

Multidimensional learning for and by (bio)medical students

Dylan Henssen, radiologist/nuclear physician in training, recently received a Comenius Teaching Fellowship. Dylan noticed that (bio)medical students often struggled to envision anatomical structures in 3D and to fathom the underlying relationships.

An image of a spinning top

REFLECT for self-regulated learning

Jana Vyrastekova, university professor in Economic Theory and Policy, is developing the online tool REFLECT in order to teach students the intricacies of self-regulation.

Praktijkonderzoek in het medisch onderwijs

Doctors with character: towards a Master of Medicine that takes virtues seriously

Assistant professor in Healthcare Ethics Jos Kole (Radboudumc) recently received a Comenius Senior Fellowship for the theme Bildung and identity formation.

Leraar voor klas met leerlingen

A double-edged sword: education-related professional orientation in the Political Science Bachelor’s programme

Lecturer International Relations Gerry van der Kamp-Alons (Political Science) gives students Political Science a realistic idea of teaching in secondary education with her Comenius project.

Er hangen vlaggen in een steegje. De vlaggetjes zijn de vlaggen van landen.

First things first: ensuring a safe and inclusive environment as a foundation for an international curriculum

Prof. dr. Liedeke Plate received a comenius scholarship for the project 'First things first'. It redeveloped Radboud University’s Arts and Culture Studies (ACS) mentoring programme to include international and intercultural competences.


Adaptive and Autonomous: how the student of today develops into the professional of tomorrow

Mariska Kleemans, associate professor at the Communication Science programme, received a Comenius Senior Fellowship for creating a learning path Professionalisation.

Studenten buiten in het gras achter het Huygensgebouw

Biodiversity education in the 21st century

Every year, the Netherlands Initiative for Education Research (NRO) awards Comenius grants to renewal projects in education. Constant Swinkels and Wilco Verberk developed a biodiversity expedition app as learning material.