From 1 January 2023, corresponding authors from Radboud University and Radboudumc can publish open access for free again until the annual quota is reached.
Springer Nature
From the moment the maximum of 2,080 articles was reached until 1 January 2023, the Article Processing Charges (APCs) for open access publishing will be charged to the research group.
If the research funder allows it, you can choose to publish in the traditional closed access way. You can make your choice on the Springer Nature website.
Until 1 January 2023, the Article Processing Charges (APCs) for open access publishing will be charged to the research group. If the research funder allows it, you can choose to publish in the traditional closed access way. You can make your choice on the Emerald website.
Open access after 6 months
If you choose closed access, you might consider joining the project 'You share, we take care!’. Together with the other Dutch universities and UMCs, Radboud University uses the Dutch copyright law to make scientific publications accessible to everyone worldwide faster, without barriers and without extra costs. Scientists get the chance to publish the publisher's version of their publications in the Radboud Repository in open access six months after the first online publication. This method of open access publishing is not Plan S compliant.
If your research funder (for example NWO or Horizon Europe) requires you to share publications immediately (without embargo) and under an open licence, please contact us for advice.
Further information
Want to know more or interested in joining? Let us know! We are happy to help.
You can email us: openaccess [at] (openaccess[at]ubn[dot]ru[dot]nl). You will get a quick reply.