Er zijn voor medewerkers met een hart voor duurzaamheid talloze initiatieven op de campus
Er zijn voor medewerkers met een hart voor duurzaamheid talloze initiatieven op de campus

Contribute as an employee to sustainability on campus

Do you work at Radboud University and have a heart for sustainability? Then you've come to the right place. Take action, within education, your own research or within groups that are working on sustainability. Below we've listed some initiatives, for employees with a passion for sustainability.

Het Radboud Centre for Sustainability Challenges (RCSC) 

An umbrella organisation for sustainability-related research and education, in particular around the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

More information: Radboud Centre for Sustainability Challenges

Radboud Sustainable Development Network (RSDN) 

A meeting point of the Green Office for anyone who is interested in thinking along and working on sustainable plans for the campus. The network meets three times a year – in May, October and January – to launch new plans.

More information: Radboud Sustainable Development Network

Realize Your Idea

An initiative to encourage ideas for making the campus more sustainable, and which help you get active yourself. One example is the Give Away Cabinet, a collection point set up this year for surplus goods that you can drop off – or buy – at the Gift Shop. On special weekends, we organise market days for buying and selling, complete with music and catering. Another ongoing project is ‘alternative to a bouquet of flowers’, which looks for alternatives to the numerous bouquets handed out on campus.

More information: Radboud Green Office

No preferred group yet?

Can’t find a group that really fits you? Why not start one yourself? Radboud Green Office provides support by organising various events where new plans can be launched. The Green Office is also the point of contact for any questions or comments about the sustainable campus. 

More information: Radboud Green Office

You have a part to play

Our society is facing major challenges. Radboud University wants to contribute to a healthy, free world with equal chances for everyone. With 'Je bent nodig' (You have a part to play), Radboud University aims to reach people who want to contribute to that goal. Would you like to actively contribute or read more about sustainability in our education and research? Visit for more information.

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