"What looks like fun to do? And which place do I want to visit?" With these two questions, Floor started her search on the website Volunteer World. 'I hesitated between teaching English in Africa and working with animals. Because I was curious about Central America, I ended up in Costa Rica. There were all kinds of projects available in Costa Rica to care for animals: from sea turtles and birds to pigs and coyotes. Sloths appealed to me the most, also because they are only found in that region.'
And so, after a long journey - 'I was not looking forward to the long journey' - Floor ended up at a shelter for sick, injured and orphaned sloths in May this year. 'Sloths are very cute animals. They always have a smile on their face, and before they poop they do a very funny dance,' says Floor. 'At the same time, they have a bad survival instinct. For instance, they mistake their own arm for a branch, causing them to fall out of the tree, and they sometimes forget to take their children with them.'