We started off with a speed dating activity to get to know each other and to learn about each other's motivations to join the SIG. Next, we brainstormed about what kind of activities we would like to organize for the future meetings. Some important things we would like to get out of our future SIG meetings turned out to be [1] to inspire each other; [2] to learn from each other's results and research ideas; [3] to expand our network [4] make the translation from the classroom to research questions.
There will be a SIG Learning Research meeting every last Thursday of the month. The next SIG session will be on Thursday the 29th of September at 16:00 - 18:00 at Thomas van Aquinostraat 1.00.36 (including drinks). The session will be led by Lia Fluit, Kim van Broekhoven and Roald Verhoeff. They will create a format such that different researchers can shortly pitch their current or future research. We hope to see many of you there!
Would you like to join the SIG?
Send an e-mail to TLC [at] ru.nl (TLC[at]ru[dot]nl) to join the Special Interest Group on Learning Research.