Illustratie van iemand die achter een laptop zit.
Illustratie van iemand die achter een laptop zit.

Open education: tools to get started

On 11 April, Team Open Education published a LibGuide on open learning materials, also called Open Educational Resources (OER). For now, only a Dutch version is available but English will follow as soon as possible. This is a manual for lecturers who want to develop open learning materials themselves or who want to use material created by others in their education. Monique Schoutsen works at the university library and is an expert on open education. She talks about how you can get started yourself.

‘We talk about open learning materials when they are freely accessible to everyone digitally. There are various platforms on which you can share open learning materials. Since October 2022, Radboud University has been participating in the pilot of the platform edusources. That platform contains almost ten thousand learning materials, and it would be awesome if the ten thousandth was published by Radboud University!'

‘You can choose to share your materials openly, like an educational video, a PowerPoint, an image, or a document. In the LibGuide you can find more information on copyright and what you should pay attention to. The Radboud University Press wants to start publishing open textbooks. Those are online textbooks used for studying that are freely accessible. If you want to start working on this yourself, you can contact the Radboud University Press and consult the step-by-step guide for authors.'

‘You can also find examples of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). These are online courses which anyone can freely participate in. You sometimes even receive a certificate upon completion, and it really requires self-study. Currently, Radboud University does not yet facilitate setting up a MOOC, but you can implement studying a MOOC in a study programme, for example.’

Collective ecosystem

Portret van Monique Schoutsen

‘I find it important to draw even more attention to open education, because there is still much to be accomplished. It can massively improve the quality of education as a whole if you work together on developing learning materials, and it also saves a lot of time. You can easily edit and update learning materials that were developed by others. This way, we keep everything up to date together.’

‘Open learning materials are an important part of open education and often a great way to cooperate on a national level. But open education is much more than that! You should really like at it like a cultural change. It is about making education and learning available to everyone and an environment in which students can be not only consumers but also producers. This has benefits for their motivation (the so-called open pedagogy principle). Watch the SURF-webinar (Dutch only) in which two students, Miriam Groen-Vallinga and I were invited to talk about this topic.  

'So, open education is an entire ecosystem that we must work on collectively. Together, preferably with active input from students, we need to ensure that learning materials are openly available and kept up to date.'

Reading tip: Open Educational Resources in learning environments

Would you like to learn more about the role of open learning materials in learning environments? Take a look at this open access book. It focuses on the opportunities and challenges of the internet and education as a public good.

Contact information

The pilot Radboud University is currently participating in runs until October 2023. Do you have learning materials you'd like to share openly? Please contact Team Open Education via openeducation [at] They can help you with uploading your materials.