‘We talk about open learning materials when they are freely accessible to everyone digitally. There are various platforms on which you can share open learning materials. Since October 2022, Radboud University has been participating in the pilot of the platform edusources. That platform contains almost ten thousand learning materials, and it would be awesome if the ten thousandth was published by Radboud University!'
‘You can choose to share your materials openly, like an educational video, a PowerPoint, an image, or a document. In the LibGuide you can find more information on copyright and what you should pay attention to. The Radboud University Press wants to start publishing open textbooks. Those are online textbooks used for studying that are freely accessible. If you want to start working on this yourself, you can contact the Radboud University Press and consult the step-by-step guide for authors.'
‘You can also find examples of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). These are online courses which anyone can freely participate in. You sometimes even receive a certificate upon completion, and it really requires self-study. Currently, Radboud University does not yet facilitate setting up a MOOC, but you can implement studying a MOOC in a study programme, for example.’