Studenten die studeren in de Universiteitsbibliotheek
Studenten die studeren in de Universiteitsbibliotheek

Opt-out method "You share, we take care!" is underway

Radboud University has implemented a procedure to make short works of scholarship available open access even faster. Open access publishing is a policy focus of the Executive Board and the Dutch government.

The opt-out method makes short works of science publicly available by default via the Radboud Repository six months after the first online publication. This is done on the basis of Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, also known as the "Taverne Amendment. All Dutch universities make use of this. 

Short works of scholarship in this context are published scholarly articles, articles in a conference volume, stand-alone chapters in edited books, and annotations to a court decision. Section 25fa of the Copyright Act covers only publications based on research financed in whole or in part with Dutch public funds. It applies to publications where at least one (co-)author is employed at Radboud University at the time of publication.

This opportunity to accelerate open access will take effect on Jan. 1, 2024. A provision has been added to the employment contract for this purpose.The publisher's version of short works of science will be made public by default after six months, unless the author makes it known that an individual publication should be excluded from this. Researchers with current employment contracts have recently received a letter from the Executive Board about this. 

jeIf a researcher wishes that a publication not be made available in this manner, the author may notify the author from the time of publication by filling out the form on the page Automatic open access publication after six months.

Contact information

You can also contact the Open Access Serviceteam via openaccess [at] (openaccess[at]ubn[dot]ru[dot]nl)