Library of Science
Library of Science

PhD course Library of Science

Twice a year, the Library of Science organises the PhD course for (beginning) PhD candidates, “Find, manage and publish academic literature.” The next one is on 17 September and 1 October from 12.30-4.30 p.m.

The first afternoon is mainly about searching for academic literature. We will discuss different search strategies, so that at the end of the day participants will know how to perform a systematic search for a literature review or an alert. We will focus on databases that are suitable for Faculty of Science and specifically the individual research institutes.

During the second afternoon we will focus on publishing: what is open access, and how do you get your publications published? Also Research Data Management and the data stewards of the different Faculty of Science institutes will be discussed.

Getting started

Participants are expected to prepare in advance so that they have common basic knowledge at the start of the course. Also, during the course we will give assignments that can be done on the spot or afterwards.

Sign up

You can sign up through the page Courses for PhD candidates. You will be placed in the Brightspace environment of our course. Subsequently, you can self-enrol for the course dates that are convenient for you.

In the file below, you will find a more detailed overview of the course content. 

Contact information

For more information, please get in touch with the Library of Science.

Organizational unit
Library of Science