Medewerkers bij een lezing van de Onderwijsdagen
Medewerkers bij een lezing van de Onderwijsdagen

Recap of The Education Days 2024

Last week, The Education Days took place from 18 to 21 March. More than 60 workshops, lectures and conferences were given by and for teachers from Radboud University, Radboudumc, HAN and ROC. The perfect opportunity to take a peek at each others education and reflect together on how young people are educated. Knowledge exchange was the focus of the past week.

This year, more than 600 education professionals registered via the Education Days mobile app. Every day, various presentations and workshops were organised that focused on didactics, with each day focusing on a different theme. For instance, participants got information on Hackaton as a working form, adding game elements in education and participants could join a yoga class. This is how we got moving together!

Education Days 2024

Moving together towards the future

This year's focus was on movement in education. On Monday, for instance, the focus was on the 'draw for students' on the campus of ROC Nijmegen. Focusing on inclusive education, placement discrimination, student welfare. On Tuesday, we zoomed in on 'the social playing field' on the Radboud University campus. With topics such as sustainability, citizenship and inclusion. On Wednesday, the focus was on 'Digifit' at the Radboudumc Experience Centre with topics such as AI in education, open education and Extended Reality. In addition, the 2023 University Education Awards were also presented. The Education Days ended with the theme 'keeping moving as a teacher' on the campus of HAN University of Applied Sciences. Focusing on intervision, art and teacher development. 


Lezing Onderwijsdagen

Watch the keynotes

How do young people view social issues? 

In his keynote, Rutger van den Berg (Youngworks) focused on how generations are formed and what role trends and events play in it. The current climate crisis has a lot of impact on young people's thinking and actions. Based on research among students at Radboud University, Rutger showed how they deal with this and what expectations they have of their environment and education.

Before The Education Days, Rutger was interviewed by the University magazine Vox. Read the interview here.

Watch keynote Rutger van den Berg

The power of human contact

Nils Roemen (Experience Experts) zoomed in on the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and let participants experience how AI is on the rise in education. Yet according to him, we should not be anxious about this far-reaching digitalisation, because it emphasises our unique human characteristics. Nils shows you what education should really be about.

Watch keynote Nils Roemen

Onderwijsdagen deelnemers

Preparations 2025

Were you there or did you miss The Education Days? Next year, The Education Days will be back! Would you like to contribute to the 2025 programme and not miss any news?  

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