There was a lot of talk about it at the end of February 2024. A report (in Dutch) by research agency T&O showed that the Dutch are once again European Champion in sitting. 'A worrying development', Joris explains. 'Not only because it is becoming more common among young people, but also because sitting behaviour among Dutch people increases as the level of education increases. This shows that university employees are a considerable health risk target group. It's an important signal to be taken seriously.'
Starting with small steps
The report therefore calls for more exercise. According to Joris, this is easier said than done. 'If you don't move much, the threshold for doing so becomes higher and higher. That makes sense, your body is not used to it and does not feel comfortable with it in the beginning. That is why it is unwise to start exercising fanatically out of nowhere: the risk of injury is high. It's better to start with small steps. For example, go for a walk more often during a working day. This is not only good for your body, but also for your brain: you are literally somewhere else with your head. On and around the campus, there are several special Radboud walking routes for this purpose since recently. Take a colleague outside, do your consultation on an ongoing basis. In addition, regularly use a standing desk at your workplace . Standing is also a form of movement: your muscles tense, you use about 20% more energy than when you sit.'
Functioning and productivity
Regularly spending a working day standing up or moving around the workplace several times: it's all part of active working. 'I'm a big proponent of that,' Joris explains. 'It's an accessible way to get more exercise. It not only increases your fitness, but also your physical and mental capacity: you can handle more work, you achieve better performance and have more energy. The same effect can be seen in employees who exercise regularly. Physical exertion releases endorphins: a substance that puts you in a pleasant mental state and allows you to function properly. As a result, your work productivity also increases. A nice side effect of exercising with colleagues, for example, is that you get to know each other better, which in turn increases the possibilities of working together during work.'
Vitality wisdom
Joris, who in the past coached a large number of Olympic top athletes as a nutritionist at NOC&NSF and later worked in the same role with the Dutch football team, agrees that a change to more exercise can be challenging. 'Such a change doesn't happen by itself', he knows. 'First of all, you have to let go of your current living and working patterns. It's a process of trial and error. It is important not to think that all previous efforts have been in vain in the event of a setback; it's part of the game. You have taken several steps and it almost always happens that you have to take a step back at one point and then take two steps forward again. That's why it's important to get vitality wisdom, so that you learn to understand your body and mind better and know what they need.'
According to Joris, it is therefore advisable to be well informed about which form of exercise suits you best. Not only about the why, but also about the how. Radboud Sport & Culture’s range of sports advice and support can help with this. ’As an employee, you can schedule an appointment with us to receive tailor-made advice from our experts. Although you can practice a large number of sports with us, we are above all a vitality center. In addition to sports and exercise, we also offer culture, because culture can also be a motivation to get moving. Culture is not always a physical, but also a mental motivator. My advice to every university colleague? Write down for yourself what your working day looks like and at what times you are active during a day: from standing to exercising and everything in between. Then see if you can fit in more exercise somewhere in a day. If you can do that, you've already made a profit.'