Bul bij promoveren
Bul bij promoveren

Information for PhD candidates

This page contains all of the information that PhD candidates will need as they go through the PhD process at Radboud University.

Library of Science in het Huygensgebouw

Getting a PhD

This page contains everything that you will need to know about the different ways in which a PhD can be obtained at Radboud University as well as information about the PhD process from start to finish.

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PhD in een onderwijssituatie

Learning and development

As a PhD candidate, you can work on your development in different ways. You can attend workshops, courses and training programmes and develop your academic and personal skills.

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Diploma of bul

PhD Organisation Nijmegen (PON)

PON represents all PhD candidates in Nijmegen and organises a variety of social activities.

Meeting room

Promovendi Netwerk Netherlands

The national interest group for and by PhD candidates.


Events for PhD candidates

Theodorus van Mopsuestia’s Interpretatie van de Schepping en het archief van Pisentius: Stichting Oudchristelijke Studiën

Theodorus van Mopsuestia’s Interpretatie van de Schepping en het archief van Pisentius: Stichting Oudchristelijke Studiën

Halfjaarlijkse bijeenkomst van Stichting Oudchristelijke Studiën, ditmaal over Theodorus van Mopsuestia’s Interpretatie van de Schepping (prof. Ter Haar Romeny) en het archief van de koptische bisschop Pisentius (prof. em. Van der Vliet).

Yannis Dimitriadis

Towards Human-Centered Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in Education

Colloquium for BSI members and BSI Research Master students from Yannis Dimitriadis about the ethical tensions and threats of Artificial Intelligence for educational stakeholders.

Helium droplets

47th Annual Meeting NNV AMO

The 47th annual conference of the Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics will be held in conference centre Hotel Zuiderduin in Egmond aan Zee on Tuesday 15 and Wednesday 16 October 2024. Please register before 10 October 2024.

Questions about obtaining your PhD

If you have any questions about obtaining a PhD at Radboud University, please contact the staff member from the relevant faculty.

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If you have any questions that pertain to your employment as a PhD candidate (such as your salary, employment conditions, or career guidance), please contact your HR staff member.