Publishing in the Radboud Repository

The Radboud Repository is the digital storage place for publishing your research results as a Radboud researcher so that other people can also see them. For all publications from Radboud University, the university aims to make them publicly accessible in the Radboud Repository whenever possible. As a scientist, you can do this yourself in most cases. For dissertations, this is mandatory.

Sharing research in the Radboud Repository

The advantages of publishing through the Radboud Repository:

  • your research is available to everyone
  • your research is freely accessible and easy to find
  • Google (Scholar) and other search engines rank Radboud Repository higher in the search results, because they classify the content as scientifically reliable
  • The full text of the publications is fully searchable, leading to better findability in Google (Scholar)
  • Better findability of research results leads to more citations of your publications
  • from within the Radboud Repository you can download research results and share them with other people by email and on social media
  • the complete publication texts in the Repository are archived sustainably in the national e-Depot of the national library.
  • Publications from the Radboud Repository can be found in the Dutch version of research portal Openaire.
  • It is possible to link your publications to the corresponding datasets. And with your datasets in the Radboud Repository, you will see what the corresponding publication is.

Radboud Repository


Uploading your publication (with the exception of dissertations) can be done in two ways:

After uploading, there is always a check whether the publication may be disclosed according to copyright law.

Submitting dissertation

Is the publication a dissertation? Then a different procedure applies.


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