Decision-making facilities

Decision-making is a central topic in IMR research and education. The IMR, therefore, has labs and a maptable at its disposal that enable experimental and field research into decision-making, provide tools for supporting complex decision-making processes, and act as excellent training facilities for students. The lab facilities and maptable can be used by employees, students and external (private) users at the Radboud University campus or on location.

Assetmanagement: onderwijsruimte met inrichting

Lab spaces

The Individual Decision lab

The Individual Decision lab makes it possible to conduct experiments on negotiation and individual choices in the socio-economic field in a controlled environment. The lab space consists of 32 separate units, each with a laptop. Together the units function as a standalone network with its own server to ensure a controlled lab environment that allows you to examine the desired variable and collect reliable data.

Group Decision Lab

The Group Decision lab

The Group Decision lab provides computer-assisted facilities for brainstorming and for guiding companies through complex choice processes using, for example, Group Model Building. The facilities are suitable for group experiments, education and meetings. The space is easy to change from plenary sittings to small working groups. Nineteen laptops, a video projector and audio equipment are available for use. A monitor is mounted on the wall for each table.

IMR Maplab

The Maplab

The Maplab can be used to visualise complex planning and design issues through a so-called MapTable and thus provide better insight when making choices. The Maplab is also used in serious gaming, for example in the Carbon Game, a game about negotiating alternative climate policies.


The computers and laptops in the lab spaces are equipped with specialised software to run decision-making experiments:

  • ABtutor (PC control)
  • z-Tree (Zurich Toolbox for Readymade Economic Experiments)
  • Qualtrics (online survey platform)
  • System dynamics models via Forio (online)

Tailored labs for your research

The labs provide tailored facilities for research into decision-making processes. You can design your own experiment using the available software. Throughout the experiment, the technical manager ensures that the server and all required laptops are ready for use. If desired, you may also receive substantive guidance.

  • For companies

Would you like to know what test subjects think of your new product or service? The Individual Decision Lab offers excellent opportunities for controlled market research. You can design your market research and conduct it with or have it conducted by one of our researchers. The Group Decision Lab is well-suited for supporting collective decision-making processes. How do I prepare my business for future changes? What are my clients' needs? Why does innovation in our organisation stagnate?

  • For researchers

Researchers from within or without the Nijmegen School of Management may use the two lab facilities we have available. Throughout the experiment, the technical manager ensures that the server and all required laptops are ready for use and that there are sufficient test subjects available. If desired, you may also receive substantive guidance. After the experiment, you pay the subjects directly, either in cash or with gift certificates.

  • For students

The Nijmegen School of Management's lab facilities may be used for your Bachelor's or Master's thesis. Under the guidance of a lecturer, you design your own experiment and then conduct it in the Individual Decision Lab or the Group Decision Lab. A technical manager is available to explain how everything works. To answer a research question arising from your internship, you may visit one of the labs. In this way, you can help an organisation move forward with your research findings.

Contact & Access

The IMR labs are located on the bottom floor of the Elinor Ostrom Building (EOS) at Heyendaalseweg 141 in Nijmegen. The labs can be found in the following rooms:

  • Individual Decision lab: EOS N -1.545
  • Group Decision lab: EOS N -1.510
  • Maplab: EOS N -1.505

For more in-depth information about the possibilities of the labs, the design of your research or practical matters such as booking a lab room or information about costs, please contact us: