Fee calculation when working for external parties

Do you work for external parties as a Radboud University researcher, such as on consultancy or project-based tasks? If so, from now on, you should always apply the uniform 'RU integrated fee calculation system' (RU IKS) to calculate your fee.

The objective of this new method is to always charge cost-covering fees to external clients. Enforcing cost-covering fees is not only important to satisfy legislation, but also in the context of business operations (the financial situation) and financial awareness. For that reason, the Executive Board decided in April 2024 to implement an integrated fee calculation system at Radboud University.

When should you apply the RU IKS?

You must use this system to determine fees for the following activities:

  • all (public) private tasks;
  • all tasks for which no subsidy conditions have been adopted.

There may be other activities for which it is debatable to what extent the 'RU IKS' can be fully applied, or whether certain percentages can be exempted. The assessment of this lies with the financial department of the respective organisational unit. The results of an assessment are binding and must be applied.

You can ask the financial department of your organisational unit about the currently applicable IKS fee.


If you have any questions or would like advice, please contact the financial department of your organisational unit.