Buildings and rooms

The facilities, booking options, and more of all buildings and rooms on campus.

  • Housing rates

    On this page you will find the housing rates of Radboud University.

  • Room numbers

    Explanation on how to view room numbers on the staff profile page

  • Cooling and heating in campus buildings

    In most buildings on campus, advanced air handling systems with sustainable heating and cooling provide comfort in the working environment. These systems are set and controlled centrally.

  • Lockers

    There are lockers at various places on campus that you can open with your personal Radboud card: the student card or the campus card. You can store your bag, laptop or other valuable items there: a safe temporary home for your belongings.

  • Defects in and around buildings

    If you come across anything in a building or anything on the campus grounds that is not working properly or is broken, you can report it using this form.

  • Access to buildings and rooms

    Your campus card provides you with access to buildings, certain storerooms and enclosed bicycle storage facilities. The building manager can provide you with access and also help you if you are having problems.

  • Moving on campus

    If your team or department is planning to move on campus, make sure that timely notification is given so that the move can be carried out properly and on time.