Ordering printed materials

Any designs that you create in the Brand Portal, such as business cards, banners, flyers and posters, will be ordered through the portal and will automatically be sent to the correct printer. When you order your own printed materials, you must use one of the regular printers.

Place order


  • Printed materials such as information guides, study guides, brochures and posters can be ordered through Bondt Grafimedia. If you choose to allow someone else to design your printed promotional materials, the designer will also take care of the printed materials. Find out more about hiring a graphic designer.
  • Printed office materials, such as stationery, envelopes, pens and writing pads that have been created in accordance with Radboud University’s house style, can be ordered can be organised through DPN Rikken Print Nijmegen. Orders can be placed via BASS-Finlog. If you are not authorised to place orders, you can ask the secretarial office to do this for you.
  • Magazines, such as VOX Magazine and Radboud Magazine, can be ordered through Zalsman B.V

Reprographic services can be organised through DPN Rikken Print Nijmegen or the Copyshop’s Post and Print counter. Reprographic services include:

  • Lecture notes, books for blocks and modules
  • Simple course materials (A4 and A3)
  • Individual programmable A4 and A3 print and copy jobs in full colour and black & white
  • PowerPoint assignments (handouts)
  • Simple finishing processes (laminating/cutting/binding etc.)


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