Hiring a student

You can hire a student to carry out work in your department or on your research project. A student will usually be able to start working for you quite quickly.

Student placement

The student will need to be placed before they can start working for Campus Detachering. They will draw up a contract of employment. If you are authorized to do so within your unit, you can submit an application to Campus Detachering via the CD Online (flexportal.eu) Portal. If you are not authorized to do so (yet), you can contact the application authorized colleague within your unit to submit a placement request or grant the desired authorization.

Advertise the job vacancy

* Mandatory field

If you are authorized to do so within your unit, you can use this form to submit a job vacancy to Campus Detachering.

Vacancy details

Date vacancy opens.
Date vacancy expires; vacancy is automatically removed from job site.

Employment conditions

The salary scales and associated rates are listed in CD Online under Documents. If desired, we can also send this to you by email.

Foreign students

Foreign students may only work in the Netherlands if they have taken out healthcare insurance. Student insurance does not offer adequate cover. The Campus Employment Office can provide students with more information on this matter. Some students will also need a work permit. The Campus Employment Office can request this type of permit.


Campus Detachering has sharp prices which makes in financially attractive to employ students. Contact us for an overview of the salaryscales and prices.


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