To protect your computer, it is important to keep it up-to-date. It is also wise to install good antivirus software. Via SURFspot, you can download the antivirus software F-Secure free of charge for your private devices. Log in with your Radboud account.
Update your Radboud managed workplace
If you have a Radboud managed Windows or macOS workplace, it is important to install updates in a timely manner to keep you safe. If updates lag behind, the risk of vulnerabilities increases. Therefore, connect your workplace to the campus network on a weekly basis and regularly reboot your workplace.
Update Windows workplace
For Radboud managed Windows workplaces, running Windows updates is only possible if the workplace is regularly connected to the campus network. Desktops on campus are, of course, always connected, but laptops are not. You connect your Radboud laptop to the campus network via eduroam or, if you are not on campus, via a VPN connection. If you do not use your laptop much, or if it is a laptop on loan, it is important to take this into account and preferably switch it on and log in to it once a week to install updates.