Software for preventing pain and RSI

If you spend a lot of time on your computer or laptop, it is important that you take regular breaks. This will prevent you from developing pain in your arm or wrist. The Workrave program reminds you to take breaks. You can either set microbreaks (which are scheduled every few minutes) or rest breaks (which are scheduled every three quarters of an hour). You can even set a daily time limit (to restrict your computer usage to a few hours).

To install Workrave on a Radboud University laptop, you can download the programma from the Software Center. If you are working off campus, you have to switch on eduVPN. To install Workrave on a personal device, download Workrave free of charge from the Workrave website.

Persistent symptoms

If you suffer from persistent symptoms while working at your computer, you should contact the Occupational Health Officer via helpdeskamd [at] (helpdeskamd[at]radboudumc[dot]nl) or contact a physiotherapist.


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