At Radboud University, abbreviations are widely used in the corridors. Here you will find abbreviations for faculties, buildings and services, among others, to make conversations easier to follow. Save this page under your favourites for quick reference.
University abbreviations
Abbreviations per letter
AA: Academic Affairs
Supports the development and implementation of strategic policies for education, research, impact and students.
ALPO: Academische lerarenopleiding primair onderwijs (Academic teacher training in primary education)
Primary school teacher training.
AMD: Arbo- en Milieudienst (Occupational health, safety and environmental service)
Supports employees on health, vitality, safety and sustainability.
AUA: Algemene Universitaire Aangelegenheden (General University Affairs)
BJZ: Bestuurlijke en Juridische zaken (Administrative and legal affairs)
Department within Radboud Services primarily focused on supporting the Executive Board and secretary.
BFR: Bureau Fondsenwerving en relatieontwikkeling (Fundraising and Relationship Development Office)
Office within Radboud Services dealing with alumni and strategic relations, fundraising and relationship development.
BKO: Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs (Basic Education Qualification)
A proof of didactic competence of teachers in academic teaching.
BM: Berchmanianum
Academy building and is the location of the Executive Board, among others, and is the workplace for departments of Radboud Services.
BOD: Bachelor Open Dag (Bachelor Open Day)
BSI: Behavioural Science Institute
A research institute of the Faculty of Social Sciences that conducts research on human behaviour.
CC: Collegezalencomplex (Lecture hall venue)
Building on campus (Mercatorpad 1)
CFA: Control, functional management and administrations
Department within the Finance & Control division. Responsible for the central financial administration of Radboud University, project and general ledger administration for decentralised organisational units, control function for decentralised organisational units on a contract basis and functional management of Oracle E-business.
CIS: Concern Information Systems
CLS: Centre for Language Studies
A research institute dedicated to understanding language and language use.
CPG: Centrum voor Parlementaire Geschiedenis (Centre for Parliamentary History)
Conducts academic research and publishes on the parliamentary history of the Netherlands after World War II. In addition, the CPG provides education in parliamentary history and frequently speaks to the press about the backgrounds of current political issues.
CPO: Centrum voor Postacademisch Juridisch Onderwijs (Centre for Postgraduate Legal Education)
Provides legal postgraduate education as part of Radboud University and has been based on the university's campus since 1979.
CROHO: Centraal Register Opleidingen Hoger Onderwijs (Central Register of Higher Education Study Programmes)
Contains details of past, current and future courses.
CvB: College van Bestuur (Executive Board)
Has statutory responsibility for the university and is the governing body that sets the general policy for the seven faculties of Radboud University.
C&F: Campus & Facilities
Responsible for the development and management of facilities and amenities on the Radboud campus. This includes hospitality, sports and cultural facilities, teaching halls, campus-wide (construction) projects and building-related services such as cleaning.
DCCN: Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging (part of Donders Institute)
Does research on the inner workings of the brain. The centre has special equipment that allows us to measure brain activity through various techniques.
DI: Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
A research centre dedicated to understanding human cognition and behaviour in health and disease.
DMC: Divisie Marketing & Communications (Marketing & Communications Division)
Radboud University's marketing and communications department.
DORS: Doorontwikkeling Radboud Services (Further development of Radboud Services)
Organisational change within Radboud Serviceswith the aim of improving the alignment of support services with teaching and research.
DSZ: Dienst Studentenzaken (Student Affairs)
Service within Radboud Services.
E: Erasmusgebouw (Erasmus building)
Building on campus (Erasmusplein 1).
ELN-zalen: zalen in het Paviljoen gebouw (Rooms in the Pavilion building)
Paviljoen building (Erasmuslaan 9)
EOS: Elinor Ostrom gebouw (Elinor Ostrom building)
Building on campus (Heyendaalseweg 141).
EXPA: Expertisecentrum Arbeid (Expertise Center Labor)
Expertise Center Labor develops employment conditions policy, supports employees and provides legal assistance in employment law issues. In addition, the department advises and supports the Executive Board in its employer role and supervises legal and legal position changes within the university.
FB: Facilitair Bedrijf (Facility Management)
Department within Radboud Services. Provides hospitality services and catering.
FdL: Faculteit der Letteren (Faculty of Arts)
Offers 10 undergraduate and 12 graduate programmes in art, culture, history, language and communication.
FdM: Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen (Nijmegen School of Management - NSM)
Enables students, institutions and businesses, civil society actors and governments to play their part in the transformation towards sustainable societies through high-quality research and education.
FdR: Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid (Faculty of Law)
For 100 years, successful in its mission to nurture the sustainable learning capacity of the rule of law, through constant cross-fertilisation between theory and practice.
FFTR: De Faculteit der Filosofie, Theologie en Religiewetenschappen (Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies)
In this faculty, students and researchers reflect on the great challenges of our time and provide philosophical and philosophical context to the social debate.
FNWI: Faculteit Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica (Faculty of Science)
Radboud University's science faculty.
FMW: Faculteit der Medische Wetenschappen (Faculty of Medical Sciences)
Conducts research and offers undergraduate and graduate courses in biomedical sciences, medicine and dentistry.
FSG: Facultaire Gezamenlijke Vergadering (Joint Faculty Meeting)
The joint faculty meeting includes members of the component committee and members of the student council.
FSR: Facultaire studentenraad (Faculty student council)
A group of students committed to representing the students of the faculty.
FSW: Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen (Faculty of Social Sciences)
Conducts research and offers undergraduate and graduate courses in artificial intelligence, communication studies, cultural anthropology and developmental sociology, educational sciences, psychology and sociology.
F&C: Finance & Control
Division within Radboud Services. Responsible for, among other things, financial administration at central level, direction and support in procurement processes and the financial control function.
F&R: Fondsenwerving en relatieontwikkeling (Fundraising and relationship development)
The Fundraising and Relationship Development team deals with alumni & strategic relations, fundraising and relationship development.
GEM: Gebruiker-Eigenaar-Model (User-Owner-Model)
Radboud University's real estate is financed according to the User-Owner-Model (GEM): the Executive Board is owner and lessor and principal for the building projects in the investment plan, the faculties, services and companies are users and tenants, Campus & Facilities is contractor.
GR: Grotiusgebouw (Grotius building)
Building on campus (Montessorilaan 10).
GSH: Graduate School for the Humanities
Unites the graduate programmes of the three research institutes in the Humanities at Radboud University: Centre for Linguistics (CLS), Radboud Institute for Culture & History (RICH), Research Institute for Philosophy, Theology & Religious Studies (PTRS).
GSS: Global Staff Services
The central point of contact for international staff at Radboud University. The department offers help with practical information, such as accommodation, employment conditions, tax and and insurance and is part of Human Resources.
GYM/GN: Gymnasion
Building on campus (Heyendaalseweg 141).
HAN: Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen (Arnhem and Nijmegen University of Applied Sciences)
A educational organisation for higher vocational education (HBO) in the Dutch province of Gelderland, with branches in Arnhem and Nijmegen.
HF: Hora Finita
The administrative system of PhD students for their doctoral studies.
HG: Huygensgebouw (Huygens building)
Building on campus (B-Faculteit, Heyendaalseweg 135).
IAD: Interne Audit Dienst (Internal Audit Service)
Independently and objectively supports the Executive Board and the Audit Committee in the governance, risk management and control of Radboud University.
ILS: Information & Library Services
Focuses on storing and accessing information for education and research, and doing so in the most secure way possible. The University Library and the ICT Service Centre are part of this division.
IM: Informatie Management (Information Management)
Domain team within the Innovation & Projects department responsible for directing the provision of information.
IMM: Institute for Molecules and Materials
The Institute for Molecules and Materials is an interdisciplinary research institute in chemistry and physics. It is part of FNWI (Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science).
IMR: Institute for Management Research
The Institute for Management Research (IMR) is the research institute of the Nijmegen School of Management.
IO: International Office
Do you have questions about studying abroad? If so, please contact a member of staff at your faculty's International Office.
IPRO: International Publishers' Rights Organisation
Representing international publishers in collecting and distributing copyright fees from educational institutions, libraries and other users. This mainly concerns fees for copying and reusing books and journals for (digital) course packages and document delivery, in the Netherlands and abroad.
ITS: Instituut voor Toegepaste Sociologie (Institute of Applied Sociology)
Institute that contributes to solving societal issues through research, advice and knowledge transfer.
KDC: Katholiek Documentatie Centrum (Catholic Documentation Centre)
Preserves, organises and provides access to archives, books, brochures, periodicals, photographs, video and sound recordings and digital resources from private collections of Catholic individuals and collections of Catholic civic organisations in the Netherlands. The KDC provides access to these collections for research purposes. They also assist individual researchers with personal advice and provide them with access to our library of secondary sources.
KOF: Kwaliteitsverbetering Ondersteunende Functies (Quality improvement Support Functions)
For all divisions within Radboud University's Radboud Services, an analysis is made of what is going well and what could be improved. From that analysis, areas for improvement emerge, which are then implemented.
LIN: Linnaeusgebouw (Linnaeus building)
Building campus (B-Faculteit, Heyendaalseweg 137).
MC: Marketing & Communications
Division within Radboud Services, working to make our education, research and social impact findable and visible. Aimed at various target groups, such as (potential) employees and students, alumni and cooperation partners.
MFA: Multi Factor Authentificatie (Multi Factor Authentication)
Using MFA, you confirm your identity when logging in in two or more steps.This can be done via the smartphone app Authenticator or by SMS. Only then are you logged in. This way, the information is extra secure.
MM: Maria Montessori gebouw (Maria Montessori building)
Building on campus (Thomas van Aquinostraat 4).
MOD: Master Open Dag (Master Open Day)
MVO: Maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen (Corporate social responsibility)
It involves the idea that entrepreneurship can be used in part to contribute to solving societal issues.
NUV: Nederlands Uitgeversverbond (de Mediafederatie) - (Dutch Publishers Association)
The association of branch organisations for publishing and media companies in the Netherlands and has the following objective: The Media Federation aims to propagate the social and economic importance and innovative character of the sector. In representing its interests, the Media Federation focuses on themes shared by the sector organisations. For publishing and media companies, the Media Federation provides a platform for knowledge sharing and innovation.
OAJ: Opening Academisch Jaar (Opening Academic Year)
The Opening of the Academic Year is a gathering for all staff and students to inspire the start of the new academic year.
OBP: Overig en beheerspersoneel (Other and management staff)
OPCIE: Opleidingscommissie (Education committee)
The education committee is involved in ensuring and improving the quality of the study.
OR: Ondernemingsraad (Works council)
Represents the interests of the university's employees. The OR consists of 21 elected members. The OR works together with the Component Committees (OC) and has three standing committees: Finance, Personnel and Property, Research, Education and Students and Strategy, ICT and Impact. Members serve a two-year term.
PS: Professional Services
PUC: Pre-University College
Consisting of the PUC of Science and the PUC of Society, bridges the gap between secondary education and the university by organising substantive activities for upper secondary students and teachers.
PWPO: Pedagogische Wetenschappen van Primair Onderwijs (Pedagogical Sciences of Primary Education)
Bachelor of Pedagogical Sciences (for becoming a primary school teacher and teaching based on scientific insights).
QOAM: Quality Open Access Market
Wants to give scientific authors transparent information about the quality of open access journals. The reliability of the peer review process is an important criterion for this.
RCC: Radboud Creative Collective
A creative student collective where students develop creatively-professionally outside their academic studies.
RDM: Research Data Management
Helps make informed decisions about research data and keeps data secure. It also encourages open science and enables data reuse.
RHA: Radboud Honours Academy
Offers students extra challenges alongside their studies through honour programmes for first-year, undergraduate and graduate students. In addition, students can apply for short, experimental, thematic projects at one of the innovative honour labs.
RI: Radboud Innovation
A knowledge transfer department of Radboud University. They help scientists from all faculties create social, cultural and economic added value from their knowledge and expertise.
RICH: Radboud Institute for Culture and History
A research institute focused on understanding the complexities on Europe's past and present in a changing world.
RIS: Research Information Services
As a researcher at Radboud University, you can use the RIS interface to record your publications, register datasets and write data management plans.
RMa: Radboud Management Academy
Offers (short-term) training programmes for professionals.
RS: Radboud Services
Supports and facilitates education and research at Radboud University. To this end, it provides optimal facilities, contributes to a hospitable and inspiring working and living environment for students, staff and guests from home and abroad, and efficiently handles administrative and policy development processes and their implementation.
RSC: Radboud Sport & Cultuur (Radboud Sport & Culture)
Radboud University's diverse sports and cultural offerings.
RvT: Raad van Toezicht (Supervisory Board)
Radboud University's supervisory body. The Council supervises and advises the Executive Board. This is prescribed by law.
SA: Student Affairs
Provides wide-ranging support to students and student organisations. The department gives substance to the academic and social development, study success, personal development and well-being of students.
SBO: Strategie, Beleid en Ontwikkeling (Strategy, Policy and Development)
Provides coaching, training and advice on professional growth, career development, leadership, team development and mobility to all Radboud University employees.
SLIM: Student Life and International Mobility
The department deals with the practical implementation and policy of international student and staff mobility (scholarships), information about and promotion of study and internship abroad, and international partnerships.
SMT: Sociaal Medisch Overleg (Social Medical Consultation)
A consultation between the occupational health and safety service and representatives of the employer involved in absenteeism and/or its prevention (such as manager(s) of the absent employees, prevention officer, an HR officer, etc.).
SNUF: Stichting Nijmeegs Universiteitsfonds (Nijmegen University Fund Foundation)
The fund that has been fundraising for Nijmegen students for the past 50 years.
SP: Spinozagebouw (Spinoza building)
Building on campus (Montessorilaan 3).
SSHN: Stichting Studenten Huisvesting Nijmegen (Nijmegen Student Housing Foundation)
A non-profit housing corporation/foundation in Nijmegen and Arhem.
SteR: Onderzoekscentrum voor Staat & Recht (Research Centre for State & Law)
Conducts fundamental research on public law. SteR brings together a selection of Nijmegen academics who together have broad expertise in public law, metajuridical and empirical research.
SV: (Team) Studievoorlichting ((Team) Study information)
Student team providing front-office online information to prospective students via phone, email, chat and WhatsApp. The English variant for the team that helps target international students with this is Study Information.
TiR: Teachers in Residence
The Teachers in Residence (TiRs) combine a job as a secondary school teacher with various activities at Radboud University. In this way, they help improve the connection between secondary education and university. They also introduce Radboud University students to the teaching profession.
TLC: Teaching and Learning Centre
Is a network of teachers and education professionals working together on educational innovation, educational research and teacher development and well-being.
TSV: Team Studentvoorlichters (Team Student information officers)
Student team trained to provide information for the target group of prospective undergraduate students at secondary schools around the country, Education Fairs, and on campus (Open Days, Radboud Try-out 4 vwo activity).
TvA: Thomas van Aquinostraat
Building on campus (Thomas van Aquinostraat).
UB: Universiteitsbibliotheek (University Library)
Library services of Radboud University and the entrance to search the printed and digital library collections with RUQuest.
UD: Universitair Docent (assistant professor)
A lecturer at a Dutch university who performs work in the field of teaching and research.
UGV: Universitaire Gezamenlijke Vergadering (University Joint Meeting)
The university joint meeting includes the members of the works council, four people as delegates of the UMC Council (collectively the staff delegation) and the elected members of university student council (the student delegation).
UHD: Universitair Hoofddocent (associate professor)
A lecturer at a Dutch university who teaches and conducts research.
UKO: Uitgebreide Kwalificatie Onderwijs (Extended Qualification Education)
The UKO is a possible next step in your development as a teacher after you have completed the Basic Teaching Qualification. The UKO involves developing into a role as a senior teacher.
USR: Universitaire Studentenraad (University Student Council)
A participation council for students. The USR consists of elected and appointed members. Members serve a one-year term.
UVB: Universitair Vastgoed Bedrijf (University Real Estate Company)
Deals with realisation, management and maintenance of buildings and infrastructure on the Radboud University Nijmegen campus.
WP: Wetenschappelijk personeel (Scientific staff)
Teach science, conduct scientific research and have management and governance responsibilities.
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