WW and BWNU benefits
If you become unemployed due to dismissal or termination of temporary employment by operation of law, you may be entitled to benefits based on the Unemployment Insurance Act (Werkloosheidswet, WW). The duration and benefit amount are determined on the basis of your salary, your employment history and your age at the time of dismissal.
Unemployment benefits (WW)
If you have not found a new job after the expiration of your employment contract, you may be entitled to unemployment benefits. You can apply for unemployment benefits from one week prior to the termination date up to the first week after the termination date. Unemployment benefits are administered by the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV).
Radboud University does not pay an unemployment premium, but is liable for personal risk under the Dutch Unemployment Benefits Act (WW), just like other employers in the Government and Education sector. This means the UWV will pay your unemployment benefits and recover the costs from Radboud University if you become unemployed. In practice, the department in which you were previously employed will bear the financial burden for the first six months of your WW/BWNU benefits.
More information:
- Applying Step-by-step plan WW
- Applying for WW-benefits
- Applying Unemployed (WW-benefits)
- Amount and duration: Overview benefits calculators
- Rights and obligations for WW benefits
- Suitable employment: Work and Security Act
- Finding work and applying for jobs
- Starting your own company
- Working abroad
Non-Statutory Employment Regulation for Dutch Universities (BWNU)
In addition to the Unemployment Benefits Act (WW), Dutch universities have their own benefits scheme for the unemployed. To determine whether you are eligible for the Non-Statutory Unemployment Regulation of the Dutch Universities (BWNU), use the flow chart (see link below). Visma Idella administers the BWNU for Dutch universities.
More information
- about applying for BWNU benefits, see: BWNU. Make sure that both sections of this form (the employer and employee section) are filled out, signed, appended with the required supplements and sent to Visma Idella within seven days following the commencement of your unemployment.
- about Application procedure for BW benefits (in Dutch). The employer’s section of the form is to be filled out by Salary Administration (SA [at] dpo.ru.nl). They are responsible for determining whether an employee is entitled to BWNU benefits. After this assessment, the completed form can be sent to Visma Idella.
- about the eligibility for BWNU benefits, see: BWNU flowchart 2020 (in Dutch).
- about the Income Supplement Regulation (e.g. when accepting a new job in a lower pay scale), see article 13 (in Dutch)
- about repair benefits in the third WW year, see article 5
Work reintegration support
Work reintegration before you become unemployed
Radboud University is legally obliged to provide counselling and support to employees who are likely to become unemployed or are already unemployed and are searching for new employment.
The HR Department has developed various tools to this end. The Radboud digital learning environment gROW contains information about career development, handy tests and tools, temporary work within and outside the university, a CV check and more. These tools are free of charge.
If you have a temporary employment contract, you will receive an e-mail from the HR Department before your contract expires with information about the various support options. You can contact the mobility advisor to discuss the possibility of receiving early support and assistance: WerknaarWerk [at] ru.nl.
Work reintegration after you become unemployed
Radboud University is committed to helping you in your search for new employment, which is why you will be registered with USG Restart for unemployment guidance. The advisor at USG Restart can help you make the most of your career opportunities in the current job market