Employment conditions and contract

The terms of employment of Radboud University are laid down in the Collective Labour Agreement of Dutch Universities. Read all about job profiles, local schemes, pensions, ancillary activities, working hours and more.

  • ANW shortfall insurance

    Radboud University has a collective contract with insurer elipsLife for ANW shortfall insurance. You can apply voluntarily.

  • Employment contract

    When you join the university, you enter into agreements about your employment conditions. Your employment contract contains all of these agreements.

  • Collective health insurance through Radboud University

    As an employee, you can join Radboud University's collective health insurance with VGZ. Thanks to the collectivity, you can receive broader reimbursements for physiotherapy, prevention budget and dental care.

  • Guest (employees)

    A guest is an academic staff member who is not employed by Radboud University. As a guest, you do not receive a salary or remuneration.

  • Regulations on employee disputes

    If you do not agree with a decision of the dean or director, please refer to the Regulation employee disputes for the procedure and what your petition should look like.

  • Bonuses

    If you have accrued 25, 40 or 50 years of employment, you are entitled to a bonus.

  • Disability Income Insurance

    All employees of the university will automatically participate in Loyalis' Collective Disability Income Insurance. This insures you against loss of income should you become unfit for work.

  • Whistle-blower's regulation

    The whistle-blowing procedure helps employees to report a suspicion of wrongdoing without getting into trouble.

  • On-call workers

    An on-call employee is an employee who is occasionally called up to perform work for the university. Therefore, no fixed work scope and/or fixed working hours are agreed. You can find more information about it here.

  • Personnel file

    A digital personnel file exists of every employee. It is possible to inspect your personnel file if you want.

  • Probationary period

    There is a probationary period for both indefinite and fixed-term employment contracts.

  • Social Plan and Organisational Change

    The basic principle of the Social Plan is to prevent compulsory redundancies wherever possible. Also guidelines on how the university deals with an organisational change and what procedures apply has also been prepared.

  • Types of employment contract

    Employment contracts can be for a limited or an indefinite period.

  • Student assistant

    You can hire a student assistant for work related to teaching and/or research. These are activities that are necessary and for which academic training is required or desired.

  • Talented academics

    De inzet van tenure en career tracks heeft als doel het aantrekken en ontwikkelen van academisch talent.

  • Vidi policy

    The CLA stipulates that if a Vidi grant is awarded, the (potential) employee will become a permanent employee. Together with the CLA, NWO policy is decisive, i.c. that the university gives certain guarantees in advance when a Vidi grant is awarded.