Confidential Advisor Staff

For students: see Student Confidential Advisor

Staff members who feel unsafe while they are working, who have been exposed to undesirable behaviour, or who are concerned about scientific integrity can contact a confidential advisor. A confidential advisor will listen to what you have to say and will discuss the ways in which the situation can be resolved.

The confidential advisor can also help you with any follow-up steps if you desire so. The confidential advisor does not act on your behalf - you will always stay in charge. 

Read about Social safety at Radboud University and the Social Safety Action Plan.


Do you have a question or did you experience undesirable behaviour? Please don’t hesitate to contact us. We can advise you, support you, and think along with you. A consultative appointment is also possible.

You can easily request a confidential conversation by sending an emai to vertrouwenspersonen [at] (vertrouwenspersonen[at]ru[dot]nl). You don’t need to provide information in your email about what you want to discuss: simply writing “I would like to schedule an appointment” is sufficient. Our management assistant will contact you and refer you to a confidential advisor of the right expertise within 2 working days.

Conversations are confidential and you stay in charge.

Different confidential advisors

There are different confidential advisors who deal with different issues. We distinguish between confidential advisors for undesirable behaviour, confidential advisors for academic integrity, and confidential advisors for administrative integrity.

Who are the confidential advisors of the university?

Confidential Advisors for employees


Labour disputes and other circumstances

If you are feeling frustrated or discouraged at work, this could be due to a previous or imminent labour dispute. Such a dispute could pertain to the nature of your work, working relationships, working conditions or terms of employment. A labour dispute may either arise between individual colleagues or between a staff member and supervisor. If you are (possibly) in a labour dispute, you can contact the Ombudsofficer. The Ombudsofficer is impartial and can also do a guided mediation.

Perhaps there are other issues that make it difficult for you to work properly, such as work overload, stress, personal circumstances impacting your work, or work circumstances impacting your (mental) health. In these cases, you could contact for example HR, an occupational social worker, a campus psychologist or coach.


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