Radboud University wants to be an inclusive work organisation where everyone feels at home and appreciated, also people with a distance to the labour market As a social organisation, we believe that an inclusive labour market is important. Meanwhile, there are a lot of people within the university who make huge contributions to our organisation despite having additional support needs. Read about the mentoring opportunities offered by Radboud University.
If you are employed via the Participation Act, you are entitled to job coaching for a maximum of 3 years. A job coach offers you, together with your closest colleagues, extra support in your work. The aim is for you to be able to function independently within a department and grow into long-term employment. You can make use of an external job coach. The UWV subsidises this facility for you.
Support during work
During your work, you will be assigned a buddy, a colleague who provides guidance during work. These colleagues have followed a special training course. This training has given them tools to guide and support you properly at work.