Purchasing products and services through BASS Finlog

All purchases within the university are made through the system BASS Finlog. Be it ordering products or purchasing services. To do this, you enter an order request in BASS. The Purchasing Department then converts this request into an order (purchase order), which is placed with the supplier. This is preceded by financial approval by the general ledger and the budget holder.


To enter order requests in BASS, you need the authorisation ‘Order applicant’. If you do not have this authorisation yourself, you may ask your department's secretariat to enter the order request for you.

Catalogue and non-catalogue requests

There are two types of order requests you can enter:

  • Catalogue requests: These are orders you make directly through the online shop (also known as punch-out) on the home page of orders in BASS. Think of office supplies at Lyreco, Radboud Merchandise at DressMe or laboratory supplies at VWR. The university has made arrangements with the suppliers in the punch-out. This not only allows you to place an order easily and quickly, but also to benefit from discounts.
  • Non-catalogue requests: These are order requests for specific products and services that you won't find in the punch-out. Although these products cannot be ordered directly via the webshop in BASS, price agreements have also often been made with suppliers for certain products. The Purchasing Department takes care of these requests. In a non-catalogue request, you can therefore add quotations and web links to make the specifications of the product or service clear.

Directly to BASS

Requesting quotes

For services and certain goods, you must first request a quotation from the supplier. Always include the university's purchasing conditions with your request for a quote. Radboud University's standard payment condition is invoice payment in arrears, with a payment term of 30 days. Have you received the quotation? Then add it to your non-catalogue request in Bass.

Receipt booking and invoicing

After Purchasing Department has placed an order or sent a purchase order to a supplier, the university receives an invoice with the purchase order number. This way, it is clear to Accounts Payable department which order the invoice belongs to.

Before an invoice is paid, receipt of the order must first be registered in Bass. For goods, this is usually done immediately upon arrival at the Logistics Centre or Receiving Goods. For services, you can do this by going to the ‘Receipt’ heading on the Bass home page. Every Monday you will receive a reminder e-mail when you need to register the receipt of an order for which an invoice has arrived.

Does the invoice not match the purchase order? Then the accounts payable department or the purchasing department will contact you. In that case, the invoice is not yet paid.


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