Roadmap for publishing books and educational materials

Radboud University Press gives authors the opportunity to publish their work free of charge. These are the steps you will undertake in the process of publishing your book or educational materials with Radboud University Press. 


  1. 1. Initial contact

    Regardless of what stage of the writing process you are at, whether it be a pitch or a full manuscript, you can contact Radboud University Press at any time via radbouduniversitypress [at] (radbouduniversitypress[at]ru[dot]nl). We will then determine whether the project is suitable for publication through Radboud University Press. After you have contacted us, we will hold an introductory meeting to discuss the possibilities of publishing with Radboud University Press.

  2. 2. Desk review

    After the introductory meeting, you will receive a questionnaire about the details of your publication. A member of the scientific editorial board of Radboud University Press, who is an expert in the relevant field, will use the questionnaire to check whether the publication is suitable for publication with Radboud University Press.

  3. 3. Publication proposal and production schedule

    If your project is approved by the scientific editorial board of Radboud University Press, you will receive a publication proposal and detailed production schedule. If you agree with the proposal and schedule, Radboud University Press will send you a contract. There will be plenty of room for personal attention and consultation during the production process so that both you and Radboud University Press will feel comfortable working together.

  4. 4. Peer review

    Before being published, all manuscripts go through a review process to ensure their scientific quality. Every book published by Radboud University Press is reviewed by at least two external experts. This is organised by the same member of the editorial board or a representative of their choosing. Additionally, Radboud University Press may make minor corrections in terms of grammar and layout. The content of the text will not be changed. You can find more information about the peer review in the author welcome guide.

  5. 5. Production

    Once the manuscript has been finalised, Radboud University Press will start designing the cover and the interior. As the author, you the freedom to choose what the book will look like. You can indicate your preferred style, cover, size, etc. during a meeting with the production team. As a rule, the Radboud University Press logo has to be printed on the front cover, and the Radboud University logo and - if applicable - the Radboudumc logo has to be printed on the back. Radboud University's coat of arms will also be printed on the spine.

  6. 6. Marketing

    Once the design of the book is finished, it is time for your book to be published. Radboud University Press will aid in promoting and marketing your book: 

    • Your publication will be shared through the public channels of Radboud University Press, including our website and LinkedIn page. 
    • Radboud University Press can advise and support in the promotion of the book in your own network. 
    • If you choose to organise a book launch, Radboud University Press will be present at the event.
  7. 7. Discoverability and visibility

    Radboud University Press will ensure that your publication is easily findable through the use of proper indexing and archiving. This makes your work accessible to scientists and other interested parties, who will be able to view your publication free of charge. Radboud University Press will handle all costs and financial settlements related to the (online) publication of your book. You can also opt to have your book pressed professionally, but this will incur additional costs.

Information flyer for authors


Do you have any questions on the topic of publishing with Radboud University Press? Feel free to contact us at radbouduniversitypress [at] (radbouduniversitypress[at]ru[dot]nl).