Your employer will carry out an appraisal after one or more performance reviews. Find out more about the purpose and procedure of an appraisal.
Regulations on Appraisal Interviews
Established by the Executive Board on 5 July 2004, last amended on 11 January 2010.
In view of the provisions in Article 6.7, paragraph 2, of the Collective Labour Agreement (CAO) of the Dutch Universities, the employer establishes the following Regulations on Appraisals.
Article 1 Terms
- Appraisal authority: dean, cluster director, (managing) director or the Executive Board.
- Appraiser: supervisor appointed by the appraisal authority to conduct the appraisal.
- Appraisal advisor: the personnel advisor appointed by the appraisal authority, who has a process-monitoring role.
- Informant: officer who can provide factual information about the employee’s job performance.
- Job performance: the total of the employee’s achievements and behaviours during the execution of his duties in the appraisal period.
Article 2 Appraisal
- An appraisal is made with regard to a period comprising a minimum of six months and a maximum of two years.
- The appraisal period does not extend to a period of which an appraisal has already been made.
- An appraisal cannot be made before one or more performance appraisal interviews have been held with the employee.
Article 3 Reason for appraisal
An appraisal can be carried out:
- at the employer’s request;
- at the employee’s request;
- if a management decision with consequences for the employee’s legal status must be taken.
Article 4 Appraiser, appraisal advisor and informer
- Someone can be appointed as appraiser on the grounds of (co-)responsibility for the performance of the employee to be appraised.
- Preferably, more than one appraiser is appointed. In any case, the direct supervisor of the employee concerned will be appointed as appraiser.
- Before the appraiser drafts an appraisal, he should consult the 2nd appraiser or appraisal advisor to get advice on the drafting process. In addition, the appraisal advisor plays a process-monitoring role.
- The appraisal authority can determine that other officers act as informants on behalf of the appraiser(s).
- The employee to be appraised can request that other officers be appointed as informants. The appraisal authority may only deviate from this by giving a reasoned explanation.
- The functions of appraisal authority and appraiser may not be performed by one and the same person.
Article 5 Subject of appraisal
- The employee’s job profile will serve as the basis for drafting the job performance appraisal. The appraisal will be recorded on the appraisal form.
- If the performed work activities deviate from those which are stated in the job profile, they will be mentioned on the appraisal form.
Article 6 Performance appraisal interview
- The appraiser(s) will discuss the contents of the appraisal with the employee within one week after the appraisal has been drafted.
- Any remarks or comments by the employee will be listed in an appendix to the appraisal and may give the appraiser(s) cause to adjust the appraisal.
- The appraiser signs the appraisal form and ensures that the employee signs to confirm inspection. The employee will receive a copy.
Article 7 Review of the appraisal
- The appraisal will be communicated to the appraisal authority within one week after its contents have been discussed with the employee.
- In so far as it can do so on the basis of the appraisal and its pre-existing knowledge, the appraisal authority will examine whether the appraisal was made in a careful manner and whether it is correct and complete. It may make changes to the appraisal in consultation with the appraiser(s). If any changes are made to the appraisal, an additional performance appraisal interview will be required.
Article 8 Adoption and/or objection
- The employee may file a written objection to the appraisal with the appraisal authority within two weeks after the performance appraisal interview took place. The appraisal authority may extend said term.
- If the employee has not filed a written objection within the term stated in paragraph 1, the appraisal authority will adopt the appraisal.
- Any employee who has filed a written objection will be given the opportunity to give an oral explanation before the appraisal authority. The appraisal authority can decide that the appraisal advisor and/or appraiser(s) should be present during this interview.
- The appraisal authority will alter the appraisal if and in so far as it deems the employee’s objection well-founded, and will adopt the appraisal accordingly. If the appraisal authority is of the opinion that the objections cannot be met by adjusting the appraisal, it may also annul the appraisal and determine when a new appraisal should be made.
- If and when the appraisal is adopted, the appraisal authority will notify the employee in writing whether or not any changes have been made to the appraisal and, if so, which. In addition, the appraisal authority will state, if appropriate, the reasons why the employee’s objection has not or has not entirely been met.
- The appraisal authority adopts the appraisal by signing the appraisal form, and will ensure that it is properly filed, and that a copy of it is sent or submitted to the employee.
Article 9 Official title and entry into effect
These ‘Regulations on Appraisals Radboud University Nijmegen’ came into effect on 5 July 2004 and were most recently amended on 11 January 2010.