Extra remuneration

If you feel that an employee should receive extra remuneration, discuss the possibilities with your Human Resources (HR) contact. If your discussion subsequently leads to the conclusion that the employee is eligible for extra remuneration, you will need to submit a reasoned request. You can submit your request to the Faculty Dean, the Services Director or the Director of Radboud Services. They will come to a decision about the request.

The dean or director may only award more than two salary increments or an equivalent amount if the Executive Board is in agreement with this decision. An appraisal interview will also need to be conducted so that this decision can be formalised.

Individual salary increase for satisfactory or excellent job performance

In practice, the periodic annual salary increase is applied automatically for staff members who have not yet reached the maximum of their scale. If the staff member performs their duties extremely well or excellently, and the maximum of the salary scale has not yet been reached, the staff member’s salary may be increased by more than one salary increment.

Job performance bonus for very good or excellent job performance

A one-year job performance bonus may be awarded to staff members who have reached the maximum of their pay scale, and who have performed very well or excellently. In special circumstances, a job performance bonus may be awarded for a longer duration.

Work Performance Bonus

A work performance bonus may be awarded in cases where a staff member performs excellently in relation to particular circumstances, for example, for making a serious effort to conclude a project on time.

Temporary Responsibility Allowance

If a staff member temporarily fills a position in a higher salary scale for an extended period of time (at least 30 days), they may be granted a Temporary Responsibility Allowance. The amount of this allowance is the difference between the original salary and the salary that applies to the position that the staff member has temporarily filled.

Labour-market allowance

In the interests of mobility, recruitment, and retention, an allowance may be awarded over a pre-determined time period. This may be due to the scarcity of skills, bottlenecks in the labour market, or requisite specific expertise.

Equivalent remuneration

In order to prevent and diminish differences in remuneration, all of the faculty boards have agreed that, in their decision-making, they will strictly comply with the specified guidelines and criteria for pay scales and promotions. Advice should primarily be sought from HR when it comes to the calculation of the remuneration. Radboud University works from the premise that remuneration and promotion decisions are transparent and fair.


Contact the HR staff member from your department.

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