Working fewer hours until the state pension age (Vitality Pact)

The current Collective Labour Agreement includes agreements on the Vitality Pact. In this set of guidelines, you can read about what you must take into consideration when a staff member wants to participate, or is already participating, in the Vitality Pact. In the Vitality Pact scheme, you will find information on how this works. The purpose of the Vitality Pact is to enable staff members to continue to work actively and vigorously until they reach the state pension age. Hours that have been freed up by the reduction in the staff members’ working time will be used for inflow and outflow. A basic principle of the Vitality Pact is that it has a positive effect on inflow and outflow and does not result in an additional workload. 

Points to consider when a staff member wants to participate in the scheme 

If one of your staff members is considering participating in the Vitality Pact, you can refer them to the information on the website. They can contact the Human Resources (HR) advisor for more information about the scheme and an estimate of their new salary. Any staff member who plans to participate in the Vitality Pact can simultaneously take semi-retirement to compensate for the lower salary that has resulted from their participation in the Vitality Pact. Staff members may participate in the scheme until the end of their employment, but only up until the time that they reach the state pension age. The application for participation must be submitted in writing at least three months before the desired start date. 

Points to consider when a staff member is participating in the scheme 

If one of your staff members plans to participate in the Vitality Pact, this will have consequences for the way in which work is organised in the department, and it will also affect the redistribution of tasks, the inflow and outflow within the department, staff member vitality and the workload. Agreements will need to be made with the staff member about the specific consequences for the work. These agreements will include drawing up the new work schedule, and determining those tasks that the staff member will continue to carry out and those tasks that will be relinquished. Details of the staff member to whom the tasks will be transferred will also need to be included in these agreements. These topics will need to be discussed with your staff member. For this purpose, you can use Part 1 of the [‘Interview Form for Participation in the Vitality Pact’ > Insert]. 

In addition to documenting the work agreements that have been made with the staff member who plans to participate in the Vitality Pact, the redistribution of tasks within the department will also need to be arranged. You can indicate how the freed-up working hours will be reused in Part 2 of the 'Interview form for participation in the Vitality Pact'. Send both parts of the completed form to your Human Resources Department.

Interview form for participation in the Vitality Pact

Secondary income 

Unless otherwise agreed, the only secondary income that will be permitted is income from work or a business that already existed and was approved by the employer before the staff member’s participation in the scheme. Discuss this matter with your staff member. 


Contact the HR staff member from your department.