Distribution of a job advertisement

Routine posting of the job advertisement

Once the vacancy has been approved by the Recruitment Department, the job advertisement will customarily be posted on the following platforms:

  • Radboud University’s website;
  • Radboud University’s LinkedIn job page;
  • Radboud University’s Twitter/X account;
  • Academic Transfer. 

Academic job advertisements will also be posted on Euraxess and Academic Positions.

It is also possible to post the job advertisement on sector-specific or international job sites. In this case, you will need to indicate this beforehand in the vacancy request in Varbi.

Subsequent distribution via your own network

We recommend that you distribute the job advertisement as widely as possible via your own online and offline networks. The most suitable applicants are often found through our colleagues’ networks. For example, LinkedIn is an effective channel for the online circulation of your job advertisement. Once your job advertisement has been posted online, the Recruitment Department (if requested in Varbi) will provide you with an image that you can use to promote your vacancy on social media.

Recruiting students and alumni through Career Central

Through the platform Career Central, you can post vacancies as an supervisor, make bias-free selections and forward vacancies to students and alumni of Radboud University. Career Central is the community for everything around career and networking. See what Career Central can do for you as an supervisor.

Why use Career Central 

Bias-free selection and forwarding of vacancies

As an supervisor, you can share vacancies on Career Central. As a university, we believe in equal opportunities for all. That is why the platform is based on fair matching. The platform looks for matches between alumni/students and vacancies by looking at matching skills and knowledge. As an employee, you can view all vacancies posted by organisations and easily share them with students and alumni via a link.

Get in touch with students, alumni and organisations

Career Central connects students, alumni, organisations and employees. You can easily create a profile, send connection requests and chat with someone. Alumni indicate in their profile how they want to be involved in Radboud University and organisations have a clear company profile. As an executive, you can use the platform to expand your network, for example.

Register and log in

Would you like to be part of the Radboud community on Career Central? Then create a profile now!



If you have any questions, please contact the Recruitment Department:

+ 31 24 361 11 73