Christine Mohrmann Fund

The Christine Mohrmann Fund increases gender diversity and improves the careers of women in science. The Mohrmann Fund funds elements of recruitment, selection and staff development. View the procedure for applying to the fund. In addition, 10 stipends are awarded annually from the Mohrmann Fund to encourage female PhD students.

Recruit and nominate professors

The Executive Board provides temporary funds from the Christine Mohrmann Fund for the appointment of a professor if the professor meets faculty quality requirements and the appointment increases gender diversity in the environment. The temporary funds are intended to stimulate and accelerate an appointment; the faculty then ensures, where possible, structural embedding of the professor in the chair plan. The funds can be used to accelerate the promotion of a UHD to full professor or to facilitate the appointment of a new external professor. In both cases, the unit must indicate why resources make the appointment in question possible (faster).

Application form female professor

Recruit and appoint Associate Professors

The Executive Board provides temporary funds from the Christine Mohrmann Fund for the appointment of an AP, if the AP meets faculty quality requirements and the appointment increases gender diversity in the environment. The temporary funds are intended to incentivise an appointment; the faculty will then ensure, where possible, structural embedding of the AP. The funds can be used to promote a AP to senior or to co-facilitate the appointment of a new external UHP (senior). In both cases, the unit should indicate why resources make the relevant appointment possible.

Application form female associate professor

Selecting and developing young talents

The Executive Board provides temporary funds from the Christine Mohrmann Fund for (accelerated) advancement of scientists if this advancement increases gender diversity in the environment. This is substantiated numerically by the relevant unit. These temporary funds are available for trajectories in which a talented scientist can advance to a higher position through a career track if this candidate meets predefined performance criteria. If the set criteria are not met, a pathway to an external career follows.

The career tracks relate to career paths with employees in the position of researcher or university (head) lecturer on a permanent basis at Radboud University.

Application form Mohrmann Career Track for Female Academics

Procedure and applications

  1. Faculty boards (or boards of the DCCN, RDA) can submit an application using the application forms. The application is mailed to the Mohrmann Fund secretary including the candidate's curriculum vitae.
  2. The secretary sends the application to the members of the Mohrmann committee. The Mohrmann committee consists of the Rector, the Chief DEI Office and an advisor from Research and Impact.
  3. After positive advice, the secretary sends the application to the Executive Board.
  4. After the decision of the Executive Board, the secretary of the Mohrmann Fund ensures that a letter is sent to the relevant dean (or board) with the result, amount of the awarded amount and the next steps.


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