Non-EU partner universities

Radboud University has many long-term agreements with non-EU universities that students can go to for a study period abroad. These make it possible to go to a non-EU country for a stay abroad. There are three kinds of agreements: a university wide agreement, Joint faculty agreements and single faculty agreements.
Where you can go is dependent on the kind of agreement and the faculty you are from. Furthermore there are short-term agreements for exchanges outside the EU, the so called Erasmus+ outside the EU agreements.

Outside the EU, we have 3 different types of exchange agreements: 

  • Partner universities with a University-wide agreement
    At these universities, students from all faculties can study for an exchange period (if selected).
  • Partner universities with a joint faculty agreement
    At these universities, only students from the faculties listed in the exchange agreement can study. 
  • Partner universities with a single faculty agreement
    Only the students of the one faculty with which the exchange agreement is signed can study at these universities. 

List of non-EU partner universities

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