Safety guidelines for international travel

Please note: Student Life and International Mobility shall not provide grants to students for student exchanges or internship trips to destinations that have been categorised as code orange or red. 

Read the ‘Safety Guidelines for International Travel’ (version 13, August 2018) shown below or download the file.

Why we need ‘Safety Guidelines for International Travel’

The Executive Board is ultimately responsible for the well-being of the students and staff members of the university. It aims to ensure that its staff members and students do not find themselves in an unsafe situation while they are abroad. In addition to this, the university runs the risk that the insurance will not cover damages if a student or staff member has knowingly travelled to an unsafe area. It is for these reasons that the Executive Board has drawn up these ‘Safety Guidelines for International Travel’.

Guiding principles

The guidelines are based on the Dutch government’s travel advice as published on the website. This advice is reliable, objective, up-to-date and is globally accessible to those who need it. Current travel advice can also be found in the 24/7 BZ Travel Advice App; for more information, click here

The guidelines offer three travel options:

  1. The safe travel option: Travel to the country/area in question is permitted.
  2. The unsafe travel option: Travel to the country/area in question is not permitted.
  3. The potentially unsafe travel option: Travel to the country/area in question is only permitted if the trip serves a major interest. This decision is at the discretion of the Dean of the relevant faculty who will need to grant written permission.


If travel to the country/area in question is permitted, regardless of whether permission has been granted by the Dean, then the regular rules pertaining to foreign holidays and business trips will apply.

If travel to the country/area in question is not permitted and a student or staff member still decides to travel ‘at their own risk’, then they will do so as an individual for their own personal aims. The staff member will subsequently travel while they are off-duty, they will not be insured through the university, and they will also not be able to declare any expenses. In the case of students, funding will be cancelled and study credits will not be recognised.


Different guidelines apply to the staff members of the Centre for International Conflict Analysis and Management (CICAM); these guidelines are available from the CICAM.

Radboud University guidelines

Government travel advice: There are no particular security risks
Colour code: GREEN
Explanation of advice: The security risks in the country or area that you are travelling to are similar to what you are used to in the Netherlands. Take care of yourself and your belongings, much like you would in the Netherlands. You may occasionally need to pay attention in certain cases.
Radboud guideline: You may travel to the country.

Government travel advice: Caution: there are security risks
Colour code: YELLOW
Explanation of advice: The security risks in the country or area that you are travelling to deviate from what you are used to in the Netherlands. Be prepared for this and take extra care.
Radboud guideline: You may travel to the country, but you must be extra careful.

Government travel advice: Only necessary travel is permitted
Colour code: ORANGE
Explanation of advice: Due to the serious security risks in this country or territory, dangerous situations for travellers may arise. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs advises that you only travel to this area if it is essential. Holiday travel is not essential. If you still decide to travel there, make sure that you are exceptionally well prepared.
Radboud guideline: You may only travel to the country if your trip serves a major interest. Your Faculty Dean will need to agree to your trip in writing.

Government travel advice: Do Not Travel
Colour Code: RED
Explanation of advice: Due to very serious security risks, there may be a life-threatening situation for travellers. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs therefore advises you not to travel to this area.
Radboud guideline: You may not travel to the country.

Emergency number for on-the-spot emergencies

There is always a possibility that a crisis could arise in the country that you are visiting. Or there could be another type of emergency. In the event of an international emergency that involves Radboud students or staff members, there is an in-house contingency plan that can be used for the rapid organisation of rescue operations. This plan also allows specific information to be relayed to all of the people who are involved. The plan is initiated when an international emergency notification is given via the emergency number.
The emergency number is +31 24 361 90 00.