You need a Provisional Residence Permit (Machtiging tot Voorlopig Verblijf: MVV) in your passport and a residence permit. A Provisional Residence Permit or Machtiging Voorlopig Verblijf (MVV) is an entry visa that is valid for three months. It is a sticker which is placed in your passport at the Dutch Embassy or Dutch Consulate in your own country (or the country in which you legally reside). You must apply for it before your arrival in the Netherlands. Radboud University will assist you with your application and file the application with the IND (the
Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service) on your behalf.
A residence permit is a card which proves that you are legally residing in the Netherlands. This card is provided to you after arrival in the Netherlands. The residence permit is valid for the duration of your studies. If your study is delayed, you will have to obtain an extension of your residence permit via the Visa Team of Student Admissions.
Radboud University will assist you with the application for a MVV and a residence permit before your arrival in the Netherlands. After your application as a student is complete (i.e. you have been admitted and you have delivered the required enrollment documents), the Visa Team of Student Admissions will contact you about the different steps of the visa procedure.
The visa application
Provisional residence permit/MVV exemptions
In some cases you do not need a provisional residence permit to enter the Netherlands. One of the most common exemptions is a residence permit from a
Schengen country. The permit must be valid when you enter the Netherlands. Also if you are a family member of a citizen of the EU, EEA or Switzerland, you can be exempted from a MVV. However, you do need a Dutch residence permit. After your application as a student is complete, the visa team of Student Admissions will contact you about the visa process.
If you have doubts about whether or not you are exempt from a provisional residence permit please feel free to contact the visa team of Student Admissions.
More information about MVV exemptions