Studenten in het gras voor het Huygensgebouw
Studenten in het gras voor het Huygensgebouw

Coronavirus measures at start of the academic year

Due to the low infection rate of the coronavirus, the academic year will start without restrictions. Radboud University follows the RIVM guidelines in this.

However, it remains important to continue to show consideration for each other. Therefore, take responsibility on campus: stick to the basic recommendations and we advise you to get vaccinated if you have not already done so.

Coronavirus symptoms?

Do you have symptoms of the coronavirus or have you been in contact with someone who may have been infected with the virus? Check the Dutch government website to find out what to do. If you have symptoms, immediately make a test appointment on Are you not sure about your situation? If so, then take a self-test before coming to campus.

Richtlijnen Covid-19

Free self-tests

Free self-tests are available from the following locations. There is a maximum of four per person per time.

  • Maria Montessori building – reception desk
  • Elinor Ostrom building – left reception desk
  • Huygens building – reception desk
  • Linnaeus building – reception desk
  • Berchmanianum building – reception desk
  • Erasmus building – reception desk
  • Grotius building – reception desk
  • University library – entrance desk



Currently, all education takes place in person on campus. Read how your faculty handles recording lectures and making these recordings available. In line with the basic recommendations, the university provides well-ventilated educational spaces and study workspaces.

Your wellbeing

Do you have a concern, do you have questions, or are changes needed to your education? If so, then please contact the study advisor from your study programme. You can also contact your mentor, lecturers, or other student counsellors.

What can you expect from us?

Behind the scenes, Radboud University is preparing for different scenarios. Should the coronavirus measures become stricter, then you can find the latest information at You will also hear from us on social media (@radboud_uni on Twitter and Instagram).

Any questions?

If you have any questions about the coronavirus, then please e-mail info [at]