When and where does Startup24 take place?
This hackathon takes place on Thursday 25 April from 09:00-21:00h on campus.
What is Startup 024 about?
Startup024 is a one-day hackathon in which several student teams will try to solve social challenges about the wellbeing of students. A hackathon is a working method in which groups of students develop a solution to a problem during a defined period of time. At the end of the day the solutions are presented in a plenary session and feedback is provided by the groups and/or the problem holder. The winning team wins €1.000 to spend on the development of their idea.
What challenges will I work on?
Each team will be assigned a challenge to work on. The challenges for this year are:
- How can we improve sleep among students?
- How can we reduce the pressure of stress factors related to education and performance among students?
- How can we ensure that international students settle in Nijmegen better?
You can indicate your preferred challenge when signing up.
What can you expect?
Join us for a day of innovation and impact! During Startup024 you’ll work with your team on one of the social challenges and try to create a solution for the challenge. Expect intense brainstorming, expert feedback, networking opportunities, meeting new people and a lot of fun. Furthermore a team of experts in entrepreneurship and innovation will help you to make your idea become reality. Don’t miss your chance to make a difference!
How can you sign up?
You can sign up via the Mercator Launch website.