With the new academic year just around the corner, students will face a number of important changes in the online information landscape. These changes are designed to centralise and improve the all information for current students. Here we list the most important changes for you. Please read them carefully so you are well prepared.
Major changes to the website
Ru.nl/students - for current students
The information that was previously available on faculty STIP pages and in the student portal has now moved to ru.nl/studenten. This means that all general information on studying can now be found in one central location.
Tip: on ru.nl/students, click on the "all information" button at the top of the page. This will take you to the category overview. There you will find all information clustered at subject level.
An important change is that information on a specific subject is collected as much as possible on one page. If there are faculty additions or deviations to this information, it is also mentioned on that page. For example, information on house rules during an exam used to be on several faculty websites. Now on one page.
Programme-specific information can now be found in Osiris
The course guides, with information about your study programme, minors and courses, can now be found in full in Osiris. This means that this information can no longer be accessed on ru.nl or via your faculty STIP page.
Important: current student shouldn’t use their progamme’s pages on ru.nl
On ru.nl, you will also find a page for your study programme under "education". This does not provide any information for you if you are already following this study, since it is aimed at future students. E.g. the study programme you see there is for students starting their studies in the future.
Tip: because these changes have only recently been implemented, information cannot yet be found easily via search engines such as Google. For better results, use the internal search function on ru.nl, at the top right of your screen.
Changes to other online platforms
The Student portal stops on 1 September
The student portal (portal.ru.nl) will no longer be available from 1 September onwards. This information has also been moved to ru.nl/students and Osiris. Finding tutors such as. the student advisors and faculty information will go through the website.
Career Central will become Career Platform (powerd by Job Teaser)
Looking for an internship, (side) job or career event? From the beginning of the academic year, the old career platform Career Central will end and we will switch to the Radboud Career Platform (powered by JobTeaser).