If you have any questions or are interested, please contact j.hulst [at] ru.nl (Jacqueline Hulst), Secretary of the Faculty Board.
Tasks of the Student Assessor:
The Student Assessor (or Faculty Assessor, or just Assessor) has an advisory function within the Faculty Board, where it represents the students of our faculty. The Student Assessor is also in contact with all other bodies in the faculty relating to students and is keeping them involved and up-to-date. Every faculty has a Student Assessor.
The main job of a Student Assessor is to gain information about the opinion of the students. Thereby, the Student Assessor can give advice in their sense when policy is being made, and can signal any problems and points of improvement. The Student Assessor submits these points to the relevant departments or persons, or solves these themselves.
Faculty Board Meeting
The Student Assessor attends every weekly meeting of the Faculty Board, in which current matters regarding the faculty, education, research and staff are discussed. Also, the general and strategic policy of the faculty is created and discussed during those meetings.
Faculty Joint Assembly (FJA)
Every six weeks the FJA meeting is held between the Faculty Board, the Representative Council and the Faculty Student Council. The Student Assessor joins these meetings representing the Faculty Board. In the meeting, the general and strategic policy of the faculty is discussed. An FJA always has two parts, a confidential and a public part. Anyone can attend the open section as a listener, if you are interested in doing so you can send an email to the Faculty Student Council. The documents, e.g. agenda and minutes, from the public part can be found for everyone on the Radboud Intranet (currently only available in Dutch). The Student Assessor does not have an active role during the FJA.
FSC Weekly Meeting
The Student Assessor maintains close contact with the Faculty Student Council (FSC) and attends their weekly meetings. Here, the Student Assessor gives updates about things going on all around the faculty and gives advice on the FSC’s initiatives. For example, the Student Assessor helps the FSC with finding the correct contact person for complaints and suggestions they have. While having an advisory function in the meetings of the FSC, the Student Assessor is considered as a full member of the meeting. Besides joining the Weekly Meetings, the Student Assessor also joins the FSC Document Drinks, in which they elaborate on the background of their vision and progress on their initiatives.
College of Assessors
On a weekly basis, the Student Assessor meets with all Student Assessors of the other faculties. They share experiences and discuss points concerning the individual faculties as well or the whole university. This meeting is a good place to share experience and to compare policy from different faculties.
Rector Meetings
Traditionally, every six weeks, the student assessors have an informal meeting with the Rector Magnificus, the head of Student Affairs and a member of Education Affairs. During these meetings, university-wide topics are discussed and the assessors could address any concerns they have.
Education Meeting
Every two weeks, the Student Assessor meets the head of the Education Center, the Policy Maker and the Commissioner of Educational Affairs of the FSC in the Education Meeting. During this meeting, any matter the Education Center is concerned about and the initiatives regarding education the FSC is working on will be discussed. For example, this meeting can be used to inform the Education Center about problems with scheduling, exams and education policy.
Broad Meeting (BM)
The Broad Meeting is a meeting between all Student Representatives of the Faculty of Science chaired by the Faculty Student Council, which takes place every six weeks. The Broad Meeting is attended by the Faculty Student Council, the Programme Committees, the Institute Assessors, the Education Policy Committee student members, a representative of the University Student Council and the Student Assessor. During this meeting, faculty-wide topics are discussed and the Programme Committees are informed about things happening in the faculty.
Education Policy Committee (EPC)
The EPC is formed by the vice-dean of education, the head of the education center, the policy makers, all education directors, the Student Assessor and two EPC student members. Every month, they discuss and set policy regarding education for all institutes. The three student members represent all students within this meeting. Additionally, before every EPC meeting, there is a meeting attended by the Student Assessor, the Vice-Dean of Education, the Head of the Education Center and the policy makers. In this meeting, the agenda points of the EPC are discussed.
Education Policy Committee Pre-Meeting
Before the EPC meetings, the Student Assessor meets with the two EPC students and discusses the agenda of the EPC meeting. The goal of this meeting is to form an opinion representing the students and to address the concerns of students. Furthermore, an agenda for the College of Institute Assessors (see below) is determined.
College of Institute Assessors
Before every monthly EPC meeting, the EPC students meet with the Institute Assessors, a representative from the Faculty Student Council and the Student Assessor, who also is the chair of the meeting. They discuss the topics from the upcoming EPC meeting that are relevant for all institutes, e.g. the new Bring your Own Device policy. The main goal of the meeting is both to brainstorm and receive input on the topics as well as informing the Institute Assessors about recent developments. Additionally, the Student Assessor and FSC representative gain an overview on faculty wide problems.