Together Strong for Quality: EPC and PC Student Representatives Introduce Themselves

Students play an indispensable role in safeguarding and improving the quality of education. Passionate students fully dedicate themselves to this cause through their involvement in the Education Policy Committee (EPC) and the Programme Committees (PCs).

Get to know the students from the various committees and discover how they are working to enhance the education you experience.

Student members EPC 2023-2024

Student members EPC

Hello! We're Karolis and Nadezhda, the student members of the Education Policy Committee. The EPC is a faculty wide committee which discusses and creates education related policies, such as rules on lecture recordings, changes in the examination and education regulations, etc. We work alongside the vice dean of education and all institute directors, making sure the voice of the students is heard and applied for these important decisions. 

If you have any questions regarding our work, or if you want to follow in our footsteps next year you can reach us at obcstudenten [at] :)

OLC Natuur- en Sterrenkunde 2023-2024

PC Physics and Astronomy

Hi all! We are the Programme Committee of Physics and Astronomy. We hope to improve education in all areas of physics and represent the voice of the students within the larger programme committee. Our key focus is on improving the communication between student and teacher, streamlining the minors, and keeping the workload of students in check. We are always available if you want to talk with us about courses or the curriculum, so feel free to approach us or mail to olc.natuursterrenkunde [at]

OLC Molecular Sciences 2023-2024

PC Molecular Sciences

What is our purpose? Helping you as a student! As students, we have all experienced our fair share of troubles regarding courses. For example, was a two-hour exam supposed to be a three-hour exam? Or why is that one course even mandatory? We discuss these suggestions with the programme board to improve the study program.

Who are we? Hielke and Corijn (MLS), Thijs and Jorn (Science), Luuk and Noël (Chemistry). Six students from all three studies who want to have more student input in important study decisions. To achieve that, we are working together with the student assessors Arwen (Chemistry), Menke (MLS) and Jens (Science).

How? With your help! We will listen to every suggestion you want to see changed in your study. Find us in the hallways, canteens, or during our organised walk-in moments. With your input, we can improve the quality of our studies. Send an email with suggestions to: [at] / olc.mlw [at] / olc.scheikunde [at]

OLC Mathematics 2023-2024

PC Mathematics

Hiiii, We are the Mathematics programme committee!

This year, we are busy with ‘time evaluations.’ This is a program where we ask first and second year students to write down the hours they spend weekly for their courses, in order to gain an insight in whether the EC’s fit the actual study time. This way, we hope to undertake action where this is needed.

Furthermore, we are advising on the big change in the Bachelor's curriculum: the introduction of three mathematical tracks to help students understand what directions they can choose in mathematics.

Kind regards,
Piotr, Renske, Niels, Ruben en Josien (from left to right)

Contact information

Organizational unit
Faculty of Science