Groepsfoto van de USR 2022-2023
Groepsfoto van de USR 2022-2023

USC column December

"This month, the update of the University Student Council (USC) is written by the working group active student. As a working group, we are concerned with everything that has to do with active student life. We find it important that board members of student organisations and co-determination bodies are supported and recognised by Radboud University. We are working on multiple projects that have to do with this.

Groepsfoto van de werkgroep Active Student van de USR 2022-2023

We assist the Student Life and International Mobility (SLIM) team in the week and day of the student board. With the executive board, we are looking into recognition certificates for board members that do not receive board months. A USC member from the previous year wrote a notition about the support for decentralized co-determination bodies. In the upcoming months we will discuss with the executive board how the money that we received from the ministry of education to strengthen co-determination in the university will be spent. With the entire USC, we wrote a notition about the height of the board months, and that we believe that the height of board months should be higher this year due to inflation and rising student numbers in the last few years.

As I am writing this, we have already been part of the USC for three months. The second cycle will be finished in week 46. In this cycle we discussed a lot of documents. One of these documents was the notition about a student gardener, written by the AKKUraatd fraction. It is about the option of hiring a student as gardener at campus, to help watering plants and think about new green initiatives.

Last weekend, we gave four presentations about active student life on the Bachelor's Open Days. This way, potential new students already get an overview of the many ways in which you can become active as a student. We are also assisting in active student videos, to promote doing a board year during your study.

In the upcoming cycle, a big topic is the budget of 2023. We will also discuss getting an ‘ombudsfunctionaris’ for students. Finally, we are in conversation with policy workers about the emergency fund for students.

If you have any input on these subjects, feel free to reach out to us!"

- Dieke Westerink, student of Political Science and member of the University Student Council for 2022-2023 

Each month, a member of the University Student Council (USC, or USR in Dutch) writes a column that provides students with information about the current developments in student participation at Radboud University. If you have any questions or you would like to make a contribution, please contact the USC at usr [at] (usr[at]ru[dot]nl) or @radboud_usc on Instagram. 

Contact information

Organizational unit
University Student Council