Een groepsfoto van de Universitaire Studentenraad van het collegejaar 2022/2023.
Een groepsfoto van de Universitaire Studentenraad van het collegejaar 2022/2023.

USC Column September

This month's University Student Council column was written by Isa Witteveen and Ishani Udas, student members of the USC. They will hand over the reigns to the new board this month and look back on the past year.

On the 1 September, the new USC board will start their year. When we think back to how we experienced our start, the first thing that pops into our heads is that we were very confused. Many of us already had some experience with doing board years and co-determination in other places of the university, but being in the USC was different. A USC year is centered around policy-making, and this is a field that is completely different from how associations or faculty and programme-specific participational bodies function.

Furthermore, we were a diverse group comprised of many different viewpoints and modus operandi. The formal meetings and trying to fit everything into the bigger picture came with some challenges. What followed were great discussions while trying to look at all perspectives that had to be taken into account in these situations.

Isa: 'Personally, I noticed that especially at the beginning I went back to my old habits of adopting the project management style of tackling problems. This gave us a lot of extra work, but also felt rewarding, as the results were more noticeable. I think I grew the most in not trying to do everything myself, but also contacting policy workers and writing letters to the Executive board.'

Ishani: 'I feel like I have grown a lot in terms of being more confident in my opinions and adapting different strategies that fit the situation. The language barrier was frustrating at times, but overall it led not only to me increasing my understanding of the Dutch language, but learning to be patient and being okay with relying on my peers.'

Een foto van USR-leden Isa Witteveen en Ishani Udas.

It was difficult to maintain steady motivation throughout the year. There were times when we all felt dips in our determination to do things for the USC, and that made some challenges even more difficult to face. We learned that it's okay to rely on each other, maybe even more so during such moments because we collectively came out stronger.

Everyone in the USC always walks their own path and we think this is one of the most important parts of your year. Focusing on personal development and reflecting on what you are doing during the year will help you become a better USC member, but even more so a better student and soon to be working adult. We want to thank everyone that collaborated with us during the year for all the knowledge and personal experiences they shared with us. We wish the next board the best of luck and look forward to their personal growth and accomplishments. We can now proudly fly out into the world with more skills, knowledge and experiences than at the start of our year.

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Organizational unit
University Student Council