“This month, the University Student Council’s update has been provided by the Wellbeing and Inclusion working group. We are currently working on a lot of different projects, several of which will be highlighted in this column.
USR column November
On Monday 3 October we were at Erasmus square, where we served coffee and tea at break time as part of the Well-being Week at Radboud University. While we were there, we talked to a large number of students and gathered quite a lot of input on how the university can improve student wellbeing. We would like to say a big thank you to all of the students who contributed! Many students would like to see an improvement in the student support services, such as shorter waiting times for seeing a student advisor or student psychologist. This is also a very important to us, which means that this year we will be doing all we can to resolve this issue.
We are currently working on the 2023 Student Support Programme. This is a programme that looks at how the university can provide more proactive student guidance. One of the things that we will be looking at is how we can offer international students better guidance and how we can communicate with students more effectively about the student support options that are offered at Radboud University. We consequently hope to make counselling more accessible to all students so that they can stop being given the runaround and can be helped more quickly and effectively.
We are also working on increasing the visibility of the confidential advisors. Last year, signs about the confidential advisors were put up in the toilets at a number of faculties. This year, we want to try to reach even more students and let them know that there are confidential advisors. It is also vital that we ensure that there are enough people to help students. In addition to this, we would like to make sure that there is ample help for student organisations so that they can appoint confidential contact persons within their own organisations. As a result, we hope to make the campus a safer place for everyone.
Last month, we also published the Focal Points document, which includes details on the points that the USC would like to focus on this year! If you would like to read the entire Focal Points document, please click on the following link: https://www.numedezeggenschap.nl/focus-points.”
- Hugo van Bree, Master's student of Spatial Planning and member of the University Student Council for 2022-2023
Each month, a member of the University Student Council (USR) writes a column that provides students with information about the current developments in student participation at Radboud University. If you have any questions or you would like to make a contribution, please contact the USC at usr [at] ru.nl or @radboud_usc on Instagram.