Radboud International Students (RIS)

Radboud International Students (RIS) is student-run and dedicated to helping international students studying at Radboud University to make the most of their stay in the Netherlands. 

In cooperation with Student Life, Radboud International Students organises the orientation week and several other social activities like Culture Shock workshops and the farewell reception. Twice a year, Radboud International Students organises the Orientation Week for exchange, Pre Master's and Master's students.


Become a mentor 

We are now looking for mentors to help us out during the RIS Winter Intro, 26 January - 1 February 2025!

Would you like to help welcome other international students to Radboud University during and after the Intro Week? Do you have time available and lots of enthusiasm to offer? Then please become a mentor yourself by filling out the mentor registration form here.


Mentor meetings

Mentor meeting 1: 3rd week of December, start 15.00 

Mentor meeting 2: 3rd week of January, start 16.00  

The mentor meetings are abligatory, so save the date! 

During the Summer Intro the Bachelor Intro Team is also organising mentor meetings. We urge first time mentors to also attend one of these meetings, as you will learn even more about what you can expect when you are a mentor.  

ESN Nijmegen

Nijmegen also has a student organisation called ESN Nijmegen for internationally minded students. Have a look at their website or instagram. ESN Nijmegen is part of the Erasmus Student Network.

Contact Radboud International Students

In case you have questions or suggestions and want to contact Radboud International Students, you can send an e-mail to the address below. You can also stay in touch by checking out the Facebook and Instagram pages.