Student regulation on use of teaching spaces

To make it possible for student (sports) associations, study associations and the like to make use of teaching spaces on campus for various activities, the Executive Board has adopted the student regulations 'Use of teaching spaces'.


  1. The regulation applies to student organisations listed on the university's website.
    It is possible for study (sports) associations, student organisations and study programme committees to use teaching rooms free of charge for activities as mentioned under Article 2 of this regulation. However, any additional costs, such as porterage and cleaning costs, will be charged (if applicable).
  2. Educational rooms may be used by student associations for the following activities:
    1. Information sessions
    2. Introductions
    3. Meetings
    4. Company days
    5. Cultural activities
    6. Student-oriented faculty activities (e.g. parents' day)
    7. Symposia
    8. Conferences, lectures and debates
  3. The rooms that can be reserved by the student associations are the teaching rooms in the Erasmus Building, Spinoza Building, Thomas van Aquinostraat 1, College Hall Complex, Linnaeus Building, Grotius Building, Elinor Ostrom Building, Maria Montessori Building and Huygens Building. For a full list of rooms, see the reserve teaching rooms page.
  4. Use of rooms for teaching and for conferences and seminars takes priority over room bookings by student organisations at all times. To this end, Campus & Facilities (C&F) sets priorities and assesses requests. In case of bottlenecks, C&F will inform the relevant organisation and, if possible, propose an alternative location or time.
  5. Requests for reservations should be submitted on time. The reservation request must indicate the type of meeting concerned, and a programme must also be enclosed in case of a large event.
  6. In case of misuse, the normal room hire rate will be charged and the relevant association will be excluded from future use of this scheme. Misuse occurs, for example, if an association reserves a hall for third parties or organises activities other than those specified.
  7. This regulation has existed since 1 September 2007.

Where and how can rooms be reserved?

For questions and to reserve halls, please email: zaalreservering-cf [at] You should mail from a student association email address (and not from a private or student email address). The room request should be emailed at least 2 working days before date of reservation and the request should contain the following details:

  • Contact details: applicant name, student association name, phone number
  • Date
  • Start and end time
  • Number of persons
  • Description of the meeting
  • Any preference for building and/or venue