Terms of employment Radboud University student employees

As a student employee (employee) employed by Campus Detachering (employer) and working at Radboud University (hirer), in addition to the employment conditions stated in the employment contract, you are otherwise entitled to the same employment conditions that apply to employees employed by Radboud University in equal or equivalent positions. The starting point is the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities (CAO-NU).

Some of these terms of employment are included here. Other regulations and terms can be found in your CD Online environment, in the CAO-NU and on the Radboud University website.

Gross hourly wage jobplacement

The hirer classifies the employee in the applicable salary scale, in accordance with the UFO job evaluation system. The gross monthly salary is based on a full working week of 38 hours.

The salary is in the employee's bankaccount by the 11th of each month, provided that the declared hours are approved by the hirer no later than the 5th of the month.

Periodic awarding

After each placement year, the employee will receive a pay rise within the applicable salary scale system.

Year-end allowance

The employee will receive an end-of-year allowance of 8.3% of the gross salary. The minimum salary over which this allowance is calculated is €2,250 gross per month (€13.64 per hour).

For employees with an on-call contract, this bonus will be paid out per hour worked.

For employees with a fixed-hour contract, the bonus will be paid out in December or after termination of the employment contract.

Holiday allowance

The employee will receive a holiday allowance of 8% of the salary. For youth workers, the following reduction applies: 10% at age 20, 20% at age 19, 30% at age 18, 40% for workers under the age of 18. For employees with an on-call contract, this bonus will be paid out per hour worked. 

For employees with a fixed-hour contract, the bonus will be paid out in May or after termination of the employment contract.

Irregular working hours allowance

The employee will receive an allowance for irregular working hours:

  • Monday to Friday from midnight to 7:00 am and after 8:00 pm: 40% of the gross salary
  • Saturdays: 40% of the gross salary
  • Sundays and national holidays: 75% of the gross salary

The employer may waive this allowance in consultation with the employee, provided that it concerns fixed working hours within business hours:

  • Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm
  • Saturdays from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Holiday hours and national holidays

The employee is entitled to 232 holiday hours per year for a 38-hour work week.

The following days are considered national holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday, 5 May (Liberation Day), Ascension Day, Whitsun, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, King's Day, the afternoon of the Four Days Marches/

Employees with an on-call contract will receive an hourly compensation of 11.15% of the gross hourly wage.

Employees with a fixed-hour contract are required to use their holiday hours in the year they were accrued. Collective holidays are considered mandatory holidays. Holiday hours must be used within the employment period.

Employees with a fixed-hour contract are entitled to continued salary payment on holidays during which they would otherwise be working.

Special leave

Special leave (e.g. medical leave or parental leave) are subject to the university regulations outlined in the Work and Care Act (WAZO).

Commuting expenses

Employees who do not have access to free transport are entitled to remuneration of costs incurred.
When not travelling with public transport:

Commuting distance

Daily reimbursement

0-10 km0
11-15 km€1,05
Starting at 16 km€2,10

Employees who use public transport will be compensated €0.16 per km, per day.


If an employee is sick, employee must report this on the first day to the employer (Campus Employment Office) and the hirer (relevant department). In certain cases, the employee is entitled to continued payment of their salary while ill.

The absenteeism protocol can be accessed via CD Online.

VGZ group health insurance

The employee may use the collective health insurance scheme at VGZ as it applies to employees of Radboud University.

Pension scheme

The Campus Employment Office has agreed on a suitable pension scheme. The Campus Employment Office will pay the pension contribution. More information regarding the pension scheme can be accessed via CD Online.

Working hours

Working hours are variable depending on the call by the hirer. Employee is obliged to respond to a call unless it is not made in writing or electronically at least four days in advance.

Employee may be required to perform work within working hours. Business hours means the hours on Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. and from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. respectively and the hours on Saturday from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. and from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. respectively.


In case of dismissal, the employee may be entitled to unemployment benefits from the UWV (to be applied for at the UWV).