Starting your own business

Do you have an idea for a product, service or innovation? Starting a new business, such as a spin-off, is one possibility. You can do this in the form of a legal entity (such as a private limited company or a foundation) or in the form of a sole proprietorship or general partnership.

Formal approval

The university must formally approve any (spin-off) businesses or foundations started by employees. Anyone aspiring to establish a business must seek approval from the head of their department, the head of Knowledge Transfer and the dean of their faculty before formal approval is sought from the university.

If research knowledge and/or results will be used in a spin-off or foundation, a licence agreement is often also needed. 

Someone from Knowledge Transfer can help you with all these processes.

Entrepreneurship support

If you are a student, researcher, lecturer or alumnus looking to start a knowledge-intensive business, Mercator Launch can help you develop your entrepreneurial ideas. Merctor Launch offers coaching for start-ups (early stage companies) such as setting up business models, writing the business plan, use of workspaces and research facilities, and training and mentoring. You can get help from a business coach and in acquiring grants or loans. Moreover, through Mercator Launch you can get in touch with an extensive business network.
