Student psychologist

If you have psychological issues or complaints that are affecting your studies at Radboud University, a student psychologist can provide the necessary guidance. Visiting the student psychologist is free of charge. What you discuss is completely confidential and nothing will be shared about this to third parties.

When can a student psychologist help you?

The student psychologist can help you:

  • With study problems such as fear of failure, procrastination, stress or issues with staying focused;
  • With personal problems that get in the way of studying such as gloom, family problems, grief and loss, difficulty making and maintaining contacts, insecurity, negative self-image.

Available support 

During the first appointment, you and the student psychologist will consider the best next step. Possibilities include:

Student psychologists do not offer treatment for serious psychological/psychiatric problems. If you need specialised or long-term help, contact your GP for a referral.

You can also take one of the online training courses at Gezondeboel. For this purpose, you will need to create an account with your Radboud email address. Visit


If your situation is urgent, please contact your GP immediately. You may also call the huisartsenpost Nijmegen (Nijmegen Medical Centre) outside of office hours on 0900-8880.

If you are feeling suicidal, please call 0800-0113, or visit You may also contact the 113 suicide prevention line if you are seriously concerned about someone else.

A visit to the student psychologist is completely confidential and nothing will be shared with any third parties.

Studentenpsycholoog Andreas Galipo

Requesting guidance

The current waiting time for an intake is three weeks. (Updated on 7 August).

If you wish to organise a consultation with the student psychologist, you will need to fill in the intake form. You will receive a response within a few days. In many cases, the student psychologist will schedule an intake interview on the basis of your answers.

If the student psychologist believes that you could be better helped by another form of student support or a GP, you will be given a referral.

Fill in the intake form


For more information, please contact the Central Student Desk. The Central Student Desk is available on weekdays via centralstudentdesk [at] (centralstudentdesk[at]ru[dot]nl) or (024) 361 23 45. 

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