Study and career counsellor

The study and career counsellor can help you if you are uncertain about your choice of study or your future career. Appointments with the study and career counsellor are free of charge.

Who is eligible?

You should always start by discussing your questions and concerns about your current study with your study advisor. A (follow-up) meeting with the study and career counsellor or a mutual plan of action may include talking about your:

  • Choice of study and career guidance for students with support needs: You have an autism spectrum disorder or ADHD, or a psychological or physical vulnerability and you would like to know which jobs will be most suitable for you after you have graduated, which rules and regulations you should utilise or how you should tackle the job application process. Or you would you like to know if your choice of study is right for you. 
  • Doubts about current study: You are uncertain about the study programme that you have chosen or you have already stopped your studies and you are wondering which study programme would be most suitable for you.
  • Doubts about (follow up)/Master’s studies: You are a Bachelor’s student and you are wondering which Master’s study programme at Radboud University or another university would be most suitable for you.
  • Choice of career: You are unsure about which job you would like to pursue on the job market or you would like to gain more insight into the jobs and organisations that you feel would be most suitable for you after you have graduated.

What does study and career guidance entail? 

  1. Intake interview: During the intake interview we will discuss your choice of study and/or career.
  2. Tailored guidance: Based on the intake interview we will determine which type of guidance will be most appropriate for you. This may be an individual selection process, or taking a ‘study choice’ workshop or a ‘looking to the future’ workshop or a combination of these options. In some cases, we may refer you to a different student counsellor, for example the career officer of your faculty.

You can also take one of the online training courses at Gezondeboel. For this purpose, you will need to create an account with your Radboud email address. 

Jobcoach / Studiekeuze- loopbaanadviseur Jeroen van den Hoven

Making an appointment

Would you like to schedule an intake interview with the study choice and career counsellor? After completing a questionnaire you can schedule an appointment. 

Make an appointment

You can make an appointment up to six months after you have deregistered from Radboud University. If you are no longer enrolled as a student at our university, you can fill in this questionnaire

Faculty career officer

You can also discuss your career path with one of the faculty career officer. 

Overview of faculty career officers


For more information, please contact the Central Student Desk. The Central Student Desk is available on weekdays.

+31 24 361 23 45

Contact department